
Any tips or advise?

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I am investigating some unexplained events in my very old house. I am planning to do some EVP work with a digital recorder. Does anyone have a list of questions or a check list? Thanks for any help.




  1. go to and type in evp. That should help send you in the right direction. Good Luck!

  2. anyone that wishes to do evps should follow the rules of any good investigator.   Who, what when and why are good places to start.  If you are able to, it might be a good idea to find out what the history of the home and property is.  That should make it easier to ask better questions and get answers if they are so inclined to do so.

  3. You want to ask questions, but give ample time for a possible answer.

    1.  Is anyone there?

    2.  Who are you?

    3.  Why are you here?

    4.  What happened to you?

    5.  What is your name?

    Do footwork & get history on the home & land.  You may have to go back & desiphor thru some crappy record keeping.  Then if you get names, you can call that person by name.  Most of all, be patient.  You may have to go back & do this a couple of times.

  4. Get a list of all the people that have lived in the home.

    Find out if anyone had died there, or had some emotional attachment to the home.

    If former residents are still alive, maybe contact them and ask if they had any paranormal experiences when they resided there.

    Also find out the history of the land.

    If it was used as a burial ground, battlefield, or a massacre when the Native American Indians roamed freely.

    If you are going to do EVP work, I suggest that TVs, radios and stereos are unplugged.

    That way, you know you are not going to get interference.

    I would ask the entity some questions regarding world events, tell them who the President is now, and that you live in the 21St century.

    Initiate small talk, leave the recorder device running, and leave the room.

    Put the recording devices in the kitchen, living room, bedrooms, basement, and attic area.
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