
Any tips...?

by  |  earlier

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i need some last minute tips? i am pretty good with everything, but survs. anything will help! thanks!

and also, what would be a good breafast/lunch before the match? and what mind set should i have? i really want to do good!

thanks again!




  1. Toss higher,and stretch higher always allowing the ball over the net is better than hitting the net on your side.

    as for breakfast I would suggest 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup pineapple chunks, 1/4 cup blueberries. and whole wheat toast.

  2. hit the ball at its highest point, and don't decelerate on your second serves or they will go right into the net.

    to eat- maybe a bagel with peanut butter

  3. This is my post in your other question:

    I would recommend playing before (1-3 hours) with a partner/coach to warm-up. When you play a tournament, every point counts, right from the begining. You want your shots to be working right away. Practice everything: groundstrokes, volleys, overheads, serves, attacking shots, and maybe even play a few points out to get your mind working. Don't tire yourself out, but make sure you break a bit of a sweat.

    The day before, try and take as many carbohydrates as possible - it is converted to energy about 12 hours after digestion. For example, a good way would be eating pasta, or rice. Stay away from some foods though, such as pop. It may have high carbohydrates, but the other ingredients are not good for you body. I guess it's kind of late for that now, but keep that in mind for next time.

    Remember, the match is never over until it's over. Do your best, think positive, and always focus on the point you're playing. You don't want to be thinking about the game if you're down 0-40. You know you can win, so always think as a winner.

    Have a game plan in mind. If you have any background information on your opponent, pick on their weaknesses. If that doesn't work, don't be afraid to change your game plan. Find a way to win, and stick with it.

    If you have no information on your opponent, don't be afraid to test them out in the warm-up. Hit a few high ones to their backhand, low to the backhand, hard at them, etc. You may look stupid, but you won't look so stupid once you win.

    Here are 4 things that you can think of when in need of a strategy:

    1) What am I doing to my opponent?

    2) What is my opponent doing to me?

    3) What is my opponent's weakness?

    4) What can I do to get to that weakness?

    For your serves, try and practice them in your pre match warm-up until you can consistently hit over 60% of them in. And if you can't, don't stress over it. Try a few more times, and if you don't have success, don't stress about it. During your match, aim for targets well away from the line. Try and hit with lots of spin, so you can have a good margin over the net, while still getting the ball in. Also, don't be afraid to hit only second serves. Getting the ball in is better than giving your opponent free points. For the first few games, don't go for your all out first serve. Pop as many as you can in to get your timing, and to get your opponent thinking. And most importantly, move your feet well, and watch the ball.

    If you're playing someone that's a bit of a cheater, or you suspect he/she is, do not panic. This situation is not to be taken likely. Be sure to address the issue by asking questions like "Are you 100% sure? That looked pretty close from here." If they're not sure, do NOT replay the point. It is YOUR point, and do not settle for anything less. If this person continues to cheat, or argues with you, get a tournament official to resolve the issue and maybe watch the rest of the match to ensure it's played fairly. Do not cheat back, or sit back and do nothing on the other hand.

    For breakfast, I usually have a energy drink (meal replacement would work), along with healthy, not to sugary foods. Cereal would be great, since it provides many nutrients.

    As for lunch, don't eat something too solid. You want your lunch to fully digest before you go on court. I'd reccommend eating about 1.5-2 hours before your match. Feel free to bring an energy bar or banana along with you to the match. Do NOT bring items such as chocolate or candy. This may give you energy for a short while, but after, you'll flatline and will have trouble moving. Take a sip of water, and a sip of sports drink every changeover. After a set, it's good to take a little bite out of your energy bar, to restore properties that you have lost.

    If your shots aren't working, go back to basics. Get the ball in by hitting away from the lines. Do not think of hitting winners, just think of setting up the next ball, then the next ball, then the next. Play smart - be consistant, but when you have the chance to take advantage of the point, and go for it. Lastly, always have a positive mindset. Never talk to yourself using swear words, or sentences using "Do not...", or "Stop...". For example: "Do not hit the net/Stop hitting the net!" Instead, use "Hit the ball more up next time!". Don't be afraid to step back and take time to calm down. Take deep breaths if you're nervous, and if that doesn't work, you can hum your favourite song to yourself when not playing a point (that calms most down). Do not throw your racket, or cry on the court. To your opponent, you are displaying a weakness, and he/she will take advantage of the match. Stay calm, and take it slow.

    Just remember, winning isn't everything, and even if you lose, there are positives. You can work on what didn't go well, and learn from your matches. Don't dwell on them, just move on. It's about having fun, and if you win, it's just an added bonus. Good luck!
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