
Any tips so hubby can feel the baby kick?

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everytime my baby kicks hard and up high to where you can see/feel it, i tell my hubby to come over and as soon as he puts his hand there, the baby stops. its so frustrating. any tips on how i can get him to feel it. i get kicks high and low and some are deep and some you can feel. today i saw like 10 but of course i am at work. its seems so sporadic, but i really want my hubby to feel them....




  1. Our baby does the same thing, it's like he knows daddy's hand is there and we get that "Not gonna do it" attitude going on. *haha* What we started doing was during our evening snuggles he just lays his hand over my belly and we wait. Baby does what baby wants to and the majority of the time baby will do it when you don't want it to. My hubby will go to feel and baby will stop, then after he takes his hand away, baby starts again. It's par for the course I suppose!

  2. I think the only way I can make the baby kick is by placing my hand on an area I usually feel kicks and applying a little pressure, It doesn't have to be a lot. Soon my baby would get mad about it and kick my hand cause she wants more room, sometimes I don't have to really wait at all.  

  3. this happens to me a lot too.  sometimes, the baby will move for a long period of time or has the hiccups and my hubby can feel him/her, but most of the time the action stops just when he puts his hands on my belly.  My baby always seems active after i've eaten or had something to drink, so drink some cold juice, then lean back and ask your hubby to leave his hands on your belly for a few should feel something if he's patient.  As you and the baby get bigger, the baby will also start to react to your touch so if i give my belly a gentle massage, I can usually get a kick or two.

  4. i used to poke my belly where she had been kicking / punching then put his hand on the same spot and she would poke back at us.

  5. Whenever I drink orange juice and lay down he starts moving allllll around so I just do that whenever my husband wants to feel him move. If I lay flat on my back for a few minutes he moves a lot as well. Sometimes my husband just sleeps with his hand on my tummy :)

  6. that sounds the same with my baby for the longest time he would not kick for my hubby. so i told my hubby to start taking to him and to rub my tummy and play with my tummy and I think it worked because every time my hubby is around my tummy my lil one loves to kick and move now

  7. the same exact thing happened to me!! it is soo frusterating cuz you want the people around you to feel the amazing feelings you are when a tiny little baby is moving inside of you!

    I always pushed my hand onto the side where he kicked (usually if he feels cramped he will kick in reflex) This worked only some of the time

    He has to be a little bit patient though, they never do it when you want tthem to.

    When he gets a little more active there will be times where he moves around, kicks and it doesnt stop for a couple minutes-this is a time where he is most likely to feel it happen.

    If you guys spoon, watching tv or something, he can just hold your belly (tell him that you like it when he holds ur belly- that its loving!) soon enough he will be like "WHOA, was that you?" good luck with your beautiful baby :)

  8. This must happen to alot of people! It has been helpful to me though! I know it's frustrating, but eventually you'll like it when the baby is kicking and you can't get to sleep until your husband puts his hand on your belly to calm your baby down!! It works!! You'll learn to be real thankful for that, or at least I have been! :) What worked for me though was actually chinese food, lol. I had been wanting him to feel her move so much, then one evening we went out to eat chinese and she went crazy moving inside afterwords! So, he got to feel her then. Also, like someone else said, kinda poke your baby around in there, they will eventually start poking back!!!

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