
Any tips to beat a speeding ticket in court when I know it wasn't my fault?

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The officer stopped me and said I was doing 54mph in a 40mph zone here in Florida. I know I wasn't going that fast because A) I don't have the money to waste on gas so I've been using cruise control a lot and B) same with the money and I didn't want a ticket. I believe he clocked the wrong person since there were a lot of people on that road. He used a laser to clock it. I maybe did 47 to get to the right-hand lane in front of some cars. I know for defensive driving, you're supposed to slow down and wait to get into the other lane instead of speeding up. However, there were quite a few cars on the right hand side but they were going 35mph and in my lane, there was someone tailgating me very close. I've had bad experiences with just going the speed limit or slowing down so they'd go around (they go in front of me real close, stop real quick and take off) but do not need an accident since this is my only mode of transportation and don't need to pay more into insurance (this is a No Fault state).

The problem is, I don't know how to prove that he clocked the wrong person. There were other people that were speeding on that road and it was in my lane. Also, on the back of my license, it says that I need to wear prescription eyewear and yet, he didn't get me for that. Would that be a hole in his defense?

My mother talked to an ex-cop and said better to pay the fine and take the driving class (which saves on my insurance and lowers the ticket, so $210 total) but it's not something I can afford right now. EXACTLY why I'm trying to stay out of trouble. Can anyone offer any tips or experiences with something like this? How do I prove to the judge that it wasn't me that he clocked?

(If anyone is local, I live in Pinellas county, FL (in Clearwater) if that helps.)




  1. Um. Get a lawyer, pay for he ticket. You can't overpower the cop. Good luck if you attempt

  2. Cops usually have to go to court on their "off days", which sucks. Most cops assume that the person will just pay the ticket and be done with it and hope that you do not show up and drag out a fight in court.

    Some cops will not show up to court because they do not want to go on their day off. SO SHOW UP and dispute it. You may have it dropped.  

  3. You say you maybe did 47 to get around the cars and into the right hand lane.  Since you were speeding up to get pass those cars it is also possible that you did get up to 54 while speeding up.  As you say there is no way to prove that he clocked the wrong car.  As the ex-cop said, pay the ticket.  In the future go with the flow of traffic which it seems you were trying to pass.

  4. In the second between taking your foot off the gas because your see the cop and checking the speedometer you decelerate.  Dropping the 7 mph from the 54 of the officer to the 47 you allow is reasonable.  In addition when I see '54' I figure you all ready got a break as usually 15 mph over the limit is a more serious/expensive offense the 1 to 14mph.    And the fact that he did not write you for not having your glasses.  Another break. Point that out to the officer how you think he was in error not writting you for that and see how that goes.  I am sure he would remedy that for you.  

  5. If your license is on the line or if your insurance is gonna skyrocket: hire a local lawyer.

    They may cost a three or four hundred bucks but they can almost always get the ticket dismissed or at least reduced to a lesser charge.  

  6. you see honorable gashogger if you stayed in skoooool you would have met magnetics and that is your true calling-dont focus on the crapola-focus on how you manage your resources-i am havin very hard time spekin tha englis-forgivease'

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