
Any tips to get better at volleyball in a short period of time?

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Any tips to get better at volleyball in a short period of time?




  1. You can start with the basics first such as hitting and setting a ball against a wall by yourself everyday. It is always important to gain the momentum and feel. Check posture e.g. when receiving ball, feet to be kept apart and knees bent.

    Then, start practicing the serves. You can do the underhand (usually easier) or overhand serve. Overhand serve is usually easier if you use your fist. But thats only when you dont have enough strength to get the ball over the net.

    And get some of your friends to help you throw the balls into the air while you jump and spike. If you are right handed, the footsteps are left-right-left-jump.

    Build up your stamina if you think its necessary. Do weights too. It is especially useful for a powerful serve and spike.

    Good luck! (:

  2. Practice, practice and practice

  3. I play volley ball, but i've only been playin for a year. but by the middle of the season i was starting varsity. the way i got better so fast was i just kept practicing and didnt give up. just practice ur passing and setting. soon enough, you will get the results you are looking for.

    if u have ne more vball questions hit me up. i got answers...

  4. Volleyball is such a great sport to get into! It keeps you socialized, active and best of all you get to be with you friends. First, you need to know the basics. Bumping, setting, serving, and spiking are the basic volleyball points.

    BUMPING: This is the basic form of passing the volleyball. This is really easy to practice at home. Find a open wall and bump the ball to and from the wall. Passing is when you bump the ball to your teammates. Work on this with a friend.

    SETTING: You can also work on this at home. Setting is used when the ball is too high to bump or it is used to set someone up for a spike. It is simply pushing the ball up and outward with your fingertips. You can also use the bumping practice method for this.

    SERVING: There are two ways to serve: underhand and overhand. You can practice this in a gym where there is a net. Make sure you have a good toss; the ideal toss isn't too high or too low.

    SPIKING: Spiking can really only be practiced on a net, but you can find a wall and practice hitting down on the wall so it bounces back to you. When you have the net, practice your approach. Whichever foot is comfortbale, step a large step first and then two smaller steps to follow and smack the ball DOWN.

    The coaches will look for someone who is agressive, calls the ball, and moves around the court. Make sure you speak whenever you can, calling FREE, or SPIKE or MINE. Talk!

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