
Any tips to survive being the new student again, as a freshmen in high school!!?

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moving again.Its prob. around the 11th time ive changed schools. I was suposed to start my first day of high scool today but we are moving to M.A. and school starts later there so she said why even bother.

I have to start over again with no friends, no anything. I feel like breaking down and crying but I put on a good show to everyone in public.

Ive been bullied alot and picked on and singled out since 3rd grade and I think its just me.

people say im to nice or that im annoying because im always nice to eveyone and just in a happy mood. But I don't feel tht way inside anymore. I hate being picked on all the time.

How do I make friends, in high school!!!!! im so scared to go into hs but im just petrified~~ uhh!

How do I make friends (seriously) none of that "be yourself c**p" Ive tried that, trust me. The popular girl haes me so she gets everyone else to hate me. there is nothing I can do about it.

but.......... any tips for me?

Do you think there are any nice people left.?

Like the way we were in kindergarden?




  1. Although it sounds like you don't want to hear it, pretty much the best answer is a cliche: you'll find the right group of people. As long as you're outgoing with people that share your interests, you'll have no problem. Since you're fresh to High School, try joining a club. Don't do something because you think it will help you integrate (For me it was football, and a bad mistake at that), just do what makes you happy and people will come to you.

    Definitely don't just go on the offensive and try to "attack" the popular kids. If they're good people, introduce yourself and don't try to be someone you're not. If they're jerks, ignore them. They wont hurt you any more than you hurt them. Obviously if you dislike them, I'm sure someone else does as well. You don't need to necessarily be accepted by "the popular kids," you only need to be accepted by the people you enjoy hanging out with.

    The moral here: Don't be timid or rash. It took me 3 months at my high school to make more friends than I could handle, and I came to my Catholic School as a non-practicing Protestant without any friends.

  2. i kind of know how you feel.

    even though i've been in the same school system since about third grade, i started high school last week knowing no one in my first couple of classes.

    heres what i did:

    i turned to the girl next to me

    [she looked nice enough]

    and i introduced myself.

    we became friends instantly.

    i hope this helps you.


  3. i think that thats just the way high school is. in my high school it is not the nice people that people hate it is the preps, cheerleaders, and geeks. i am one of those shy normal people so i am not the topic of a bullying conversation.

    i would have to say look at the kinds in your neighborhood and see what they do. go to school and just be normal, like no crazy acting or anything that will make people think you are wierd. i would say be a little outgoing you know when teachers do the "get to know the other people things" you can be the first to go up to the shy kids and first to  answer. eventually it will become easy and you will make friends.

    hope this helps :)

  4. You should be yourself, don't be fake just to get others to like you. In the future no one is going to care if you were popular or not. On the first day at lunch sit at a table and introduce yourself and just be nice. If people start to tease you just ignore them and don't let it bother you, if the teasing is really bad though tell a teacher. You'll make friends don't worry.  :)

  5. dont worry about all that. it happens to evey1. the way i solve that problem is: on the first day of school ask sum1 for a pencil even tho u probably have about 20 in your bag it never hurt to ask. Try to make frineds b4 lunch time so that you can have sum1 to eat with. Try to look at ppl who are in the same class as u. that will help a lot.  

  6. Just dont start drama and dont start rumors... Also don't give to much attitude...

  7. Oh my gosh, you took the words right from my heart. I am excatly the same way!

    I've been bullied sense elementary because of my glasses. The only reason people stayed with me was because I was a twin or for my prettier older sister.

    The only people who actually called me their friends were the "special" people if you know what i mean.

    I've moved so many times from state to state, country to country. I'm serious.

    I was scared my first year of freshmen. The year before I was in El Salvador in a very high class private school. The years before I was homeschooled from the forth grade on.

    But you know what? Don't worry!

    Everything will be fine. Just be careful of people taking advantage of your kindness (like me--someone unstrapped my bra. *grumbles*)

    I'm sure a good kid but the way you write... you better not tell people that unless they WANT to know. Trust me, someone will see you and go "Hey! Whats up?!"

    I remember my first freshmen convo:

    "Hey, EmoGirl. You're going to be my new homedawg. Hey, Tati, this is my new homedawg"

    Now I'm a happy sophmore! The first year i've ever had friends in my life(that wern't mentally challenged! ^_^).

    Don't worry. Just be yourself and only impress yourself. People love confidence.

    And try not to brag about how many seniors you know. ^_^

    I really hope this helps!

    Lonliness is a painful disease. But it can be treated!  

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