
Any tricks,tips or hints on anything to do with horse care?

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care of tack







  1. Feeding- if your changing something about their diet do it gradually and never feed your horse if you didn't cool it down from riding or it may produce colic and always have fresh clean water available to the horse

    Tack- Clean you tack daily if you can the cleaner and more cared for it is the longer it will last (make sure you get every piece of your saddle including under the flaps and anywhere you can think of)

    Grooming-Don't brush softly brush HARD horses love it and always brush the tail and mane (don't stand behind the horse stand beside it and brush it's tail working with the bottom  first) ALWAYS pick your horses hooves 1.before riding 2.after riding 3.when you let it out to field 4.(optional) when you let it in from field (make sure your horse isn't limping or anything)

    Riding-ALWAYS make your horse do what you want and not what it wants.If your doing a speed event don't let the horse go fast unless you tell it to.Always ask with your voice (cluck=trot lope/canter=kiss) if the horse doesn't listen you squeeze if the horse still doesn't listen tap (legs) if he still doesn't listen kick and if he still doesn't listen you kick him so hard he spooks.If he does good riding then give him a treat after the riding and make sure you COOL HIM DOWN before putting him up and letting him eat.Always stretch before (or during) riding I stretch during riding.

    Flies- well fly protectors (face mask and blankets are good) make sure your manure pile isn't close to your horse and clean the stall everyday plus you can buy some fly spray.

  2. Stupid things to keep in the barn for emergency:

    Diapers, maxi pads, duct tape, dollar store, Large mans flipflops.  

    Diapers and maxi's make great bandage pading and emergency bandages in their own right.  Great for holding poltice on or in place.  

    Duct tape holds the world togeather

    Flip flop neoprene can pad a hoof, adjust a helmet, pad a corner or sharp edge..

    nylon stockings ie panty hose make fly proof coverings when you need to keep a wound open to the air

    Portion grain into plastic bags from grocery stores when traveling,  It makes feeding easy and you wont have to wonder where the scoop is, or if someone already fed the horse.

    Putting a 1/4 cup of cider vinegar into the stall water bucket a few days before a show or event will help stop a horse refusing strange add the vinegar and it tastes and smells like home.

    Tack cleaning.   Toss the bits of saddle soap that are to small to really hold in a sock.  it'll let you use them till they are gone

    Put fly wipe mitts in a gallon ziplock to keep them from drying out between uses

    Fill a bucket with water and put it in the sun, before you go out to ride or do a trail.  By the time you get back the water will be comfortable to use and will still cool a hot horse without tying him up.

    Those nifty checkerboards and patterns on a horses flank can be made to stay all day long with a dab of cheep hair gel

    Baby poweder will make white socks truely white and wont attract dust.

    make your horse "stump broken" get him used to standing next to stumps, car bumpers, fences, in ditches while you mount.  

    Carry a small radio with you in the woods during hunting season.  Play it loudly, hunters shoot ANYTHING that moves if they are nervouse.

    Writting HORSE on the side of the animal in orange color hair spray  HAS saved lives when city folk go hunting in the country..

    1oz  of oil of citronella mixed with the big jar of vasoline makes a great fly ointment,  it gives Big dark eyes for the show ring.  you can use it on you too..

  3. Feeding:  DON'T OVER FEED!  If you aren't riding your horse frequently and for lengthy periods, you probably won't have to feed sweet feed.  Stick with hay and/or grass.

    Care of tack:  wipe down saddles and bridles after every ride (or every other ride) with a leather cleaner cloth.  Once a month, do a more thorough job of cleaning tack.  Be sure to wash saddle pads every so often, too.

    Grooming:  while grooming, be sure to note any wounds, scratches, lumps, etc. on your horse's body.  Medicate as needed and call your vet if you find any lumps.  Clean sheaths regularly and note which horses have more quickly built-up smegma.  Clean those horses more often.

    Riding:  keep your horse fit by exercising him regularly.  Take along a saddle bag for longer rides and pack some paste electrolytes for your horse is the weather is hot and he is being worked hard.  Take a halter along on trail rides as well as a small first aid kit for you and for your horse.  Tampons and pads are excellent for heavy blood flow injuries to either you or your horse and they are very compact.  Keep yourself fit for riding, too.

    Flies: try a feed supplement product (the name escapes me) that is designed for your horse to eat.  When he poops, the stuff he's been eating will kill the fly larvae.  (I think that's how it works.)  In a few weeks, you'll have a very low fly population in your horses pasture and his stall.  You can also use topical solutions (fly spray).  You can also make your own fly spray with citronella, vinegar and water.  Don't use too much citronella to start with.

    Hope these tips help!

  4. Get your horses hooves taken care of on a routine schedule by an experienced and well regarded farrier.

    Too many people forget that leaving the hooves a little longer than normal (recommended avg schedule is 6-8 weeks with slight variances depending on horse and circumstance) will only cost more money when you consider the cost created in trying to fix any issues that occur.  For ex. chipping, cracking, stumbling, bowed tendons, arthritis, etc etc...

    Your farrier will be able to tell you the recommended schedule for your specific horse.

  5. mix lemon joy, water and vinegar to spray your horse for flies & it works just as well as fly spray

  6. Make them sleep in their own bed .

  7. well just a tip for feed. i keep my horses feed in those big blue barrel things with the lids so that mice cant get in and its easy storage that doesnt take up much space

  8. Feeding- you want a diet that is designed for your horse to suit their nutritional needs.  If you need a diet designed for your animal fee free to contact me directly as it is quite a bit of information you would need to understand.

    Care of Tack- the best thing to do is get a good cleaner like a glycerin bar.  They dont contain oils that most sprays have, thus locking in dirt.  You will want to wipe down the leather with the soap then make sure you wipe it down again with water so you dont dry out the leather by accidentally leaving any soap residue on the leather.  Next would be to use a good conditioner, not oil.  Leaderbalsm tends to work really well and if you have black tack I reccomend using the Passier leaderbalsm.  It will keep the tack black and not pull any dye out fading it over time like most other leaderbalsms.  Oil will condition the tack but it will also darken it.

    Grooming- you will want some basic items in your kit: a hoof pick, stiff brush, soft  brush, a curry comb, and tail brush.  You can add things like a shedding blade, pulling comb, sweat scraper, pumic stone, etc as you need them.  If you have allergies I would use a natural bristle brush since they will trap the dirt and dust in your brushes.  You can then rinse out the brushes as needed just make sure you check them for mold since it it a natural absorbant material.  If you want brushes that you can "beat up" more I would reccomend a synthetic bristle.  They dont trap the dust as well but you can care for them a little easier.  As mentioned you want to go over your horses entire body checking to ensure no bumps, scrapes, swelling, heat or anything out of the norm shows.  

    Riding- When it comes to riding you really need to take lessons to learn.  Long legs, heels, down, head up, quiet hands.  You want to keep yourself centered on the horse and bring your weight as low as possible into your heels to help maintain your balance.  I would encourage you to read any book by George Morris.  He is such a wonderful teacher and very clear about riding and how to accomplish something.  His books have many pictures and diagrams as well.  And he is actually very educational and plesant to ride with.  I have had the pleasure of training with him.

    Fly- There are a few options.  Depending if you want to use a natural repellant or one with chemicals there are many options.  I sell lots of Espree (formally Larry's fly spray).  Its a concentrate that is all natural.  As for something with a little more "kick" tri-tec 14 and ultra shield work well.  Plus if your horse is in the sun Ultra shield has sunscreens in it to prevent your horses coat from getting bleached by the sun.  There are also supplments that you can feed your horse.  Equigarlic will make your horse taste very unplesant as well as give off a slight odor that flies hate and tends to deter them very well.  You will have to find a way to disguise the garlic so your horse will eat it, thats the only downfall.  Another option is to rinse your horse after you bath them with an apple cider vinager.  I believe it is a 1 to 4 dilution.  It works in two ways, rinses your horse clean of any missed shampoo as well as a fly deterrant.

    Hope some of those help.

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