
Any tricks on potty training a boy?

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Any tricks on potty training a boy?




  1. I had like the totally worst time trying to potty train my 2nd son.  Came down to this...  I took him to the store and let him pick out a bag of candy (little individual wrapped ones)  Only when he would actually go, pee or poo, he would get one candy.  No faking it or anything, he had to actually go.  I can't believe it worked!  All kids are so different though, really.

  2. I am trying to potty train my son and daughter at the same time and what I do is sit them on their potty throughout the day. I try to make it comfortable for them so sometimes I sit them in front of the TV, or give them a book, and their cup of juice. If they don't go potty for at least 30 minutes I take them off and clap and say "Yay for trying to go potty!" Usually they end up going right after I put their diapers back on, so if you have the time you should keep them in underwear during the day and always keep an eye on them, if they've peed or pooped or not.  Constantly ask if they have to go potty, and if they accidentally have an accident in their pants, just put the p**p in the potty and have them flush it for you. Do not scorn them for doing it, especially at the beginning because it may make them hate sitting on the potty when it's supposed to be fun. If he goes potty clap and cheer and give him a treat, a m&m or skittle or something and let him know that peeing and pooping in the potty is very good behavior.  I wouldn't start teaching him how to aim until he's already got used to sitting down and peeing and pooping in the potty.

  3. sticker charts to reward- present for so many stickers

    (in summer in the garden) leave his nappy off and keep asking him to try, so he knows that feeling of needing a wee.

    draw a face on the potty and tell him it wants a drink!

    make up a song


    never tell him off for wetting- he'll only get paranoid about using the potty- keep it fun and grown up!

  4. Put Cheerios in the bowl and have him aim :P

  5. Use Cheerio's to teach him to aim.

  6. My sons potty trained quickly when they watched themselves peeing. Seeing the urine connected what they felt internally so they developed control. I researched and found a very sturdy stool with sides for the toilet so they could safely stand to pee.

    This stool made all the difference and was well worth it. Hope this helps.

  7. Don't let him wear diapers or pull ups with the exception of night time. Put him in big boy undies and if he has an accident don't change him immediately let him feel the wetness and sit him on his potty while you clean up the accident or even have him clean it up. Put his big boy potty somewhere that is out of the way but yet he can always see it . I did the sticker chart and reward thing, every time he went on the potty I would praise him, high five, make a huge deal about it, then we would go and put a sticker on his chart and I would give him a gummy snack. After 3 or 4 days he completely has forgotten about the gummy snacks and now he just goes potty on his potty all the time .. I still put a sticker on his chart though and at the end of the night we count up the stickers and he gets a cookie after dinner. Best of luck with your potty training adventure!

  8. Rewards! My son would get an ovation and a sweet treat everytime he went to the bigboy potty.

  9. When we potty trained our son.. we made a big deal of it everytime he went pee in the potty. We would clap and smile.  I think rewarding good behavior is always a great motivator.

  10. I wouldn't say there are any "tricks". Just try and stay positive and consistent. It can take up to 8 months. Make sure when he goes that you over praise him. Even small rewards are great reinforcers. I use stickers or a snack. Reward charts work too.

  11. tips:

    take them to the bathroom with you frequently so they can observe

    celebrate all success!!! Make a big deal out of them.

    DONT use pull-ups, use underwear (except maybe at night)

    don't go back to diapers, ever

    don't use too many bribes, try praise and enthusiasm

    don't get mad about accidents, they are part of the learning process

    have a potty AND a toilet insert so they can decide what is more comfortable

    learning to poo may take a lot longer than pee, be patient.

    (You can condition them to go poo on the toilet by having her push down and "try" to poo each time they goes pee.)

    first thing in the morning and right after naps are the best time to catch pee

    set a timer for every 20-30 minutes at first, don't force them to sit, just offer, its their job to prevent accidents not yours, then gradually lengthen the times to about 2 hours.

    consider training bare from the waist down for the first week or so.

    After accidents, have your child practice going from the site of the accident to the potty several times for practice (kinesthetic learning).

    always have your child help clean up accidents.;...

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