I'm the kind of person that can speake in front of a large crowd with absolutely no problem. But when it comes to singing i collapse! I have a good voice i guess but if i have to sing in my head voice in front of anyone even my parents and sometimes myself =/ i become a wreck! It's sooo weird cause when i sing in my chest voice im totally fine. but i have this audition coming up to be Jasmine in the musical Aladdin and i really want it but i know for the audition peice (a whole new world) i'm going to do horrible! When i practice at home by myself it's fine but in front of people my mouth shakes, my hands shake, my head spins, and i feel like everyone is laughing at me. The worst thing is that it affects my voice very badly too. Does anyone know of any tips or medications or anything that will ease nerves alot! or at least just make it not effect my voice. I would appreciate it sooooo mcuh! thnx =D