
Any tricks to finding a job as a Software Engineer, Programmer, etc.

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My son is going to be graduating in a couple of weeks with a Bachelors degree in Software Engineering.

He has looked at Monster and HotJobs in trying to look around for employment. I think he looked at Craigs list, also.

Are there any tips, or other sites, or any tricks that he could use in looking for employment as a Software engineer, programmer, etc?

Any special tips on getting his name out there, etc.

We live in Texas.




  1. Tip #1 get good grades. The companies will look for him.

    Beyond that, plant a garden. Every seed he plants has a potential to blossom. Eventually  it will bear fruit.

    What are his boundaries? Is he willing to go where the jobs are? Is he willing to work shifts? Is he willing to travel? How much does he expect for an entry level position?

    Never take a lesser job to get your foot in the door. It doesn't usually work. I don't know how many BSEE's I have seen take a technician job hoping to move up and left the company to get one.

    The seeds of course are resumes. Faxing resumes is not good, they often are barely readable. Get his resume to as many people as he can. They need to go to a hiring boss, not the human resources or the security.

    Network. Talk to people. Search the paper. Search the web. Check with the guidance counselor at school. Search the paper in places he would like to  work. Did I say...TALK TO PEOPLE. The guy in line at the supermarket. The bank teller. The pool boy. I was at a customer's house in 1997. He called his boss. I got hired  and I have worked for this company ever since (By the way that was in Austin). Do what you did here, go to groups. Where would you find the most people that would pass his resume to their boss? Various groups on programming, software engineering, gaming.

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