
Any truth in the stories about Ronaldo's party antics costing Real Madrid?

by caddywack  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Is it true that the player threw a party the night before the Madrid-Barcelona clash that Real lost 2-0?




  1. Sports_Guide
    That's the gossip in Spain, though Ronaldo has robustly denied the allegations, releasing a hi-falutin statement that says: "It has come to my attention that in the program "Salva-Me" on Spanish television channel Telecinco, there were references made to alleged parties held at my house, one on Friday, the eve of the game against Barcelona, which reportedly lasted until five in the morning, and one on Saturday night itself, interspersed with several comments which were intolerably depreciating to my dignity and my professionalism."

    "I categorically refute such accusations, which are completely false and delusional: there is really not even one iota of truth in them.With a game the next day, it is more than obvious that I spent Friday night resting and, on Saturday night, my spirit was anything but festive. Considering the gravity of the charges, I have instructed my lawyers to, without any reflection, use all legal means to restore the truth of the matter and ensure that those responsible are punished to the fullest extent legally provided."

    No party. We get it.

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