
Any truth to the rumour that London's new mayor is changing his name by Deed Poll to Boris Berlasconi?

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Any truth to the rumour that London's new mayor is changing his name by Deed Poll to Boris Berlasconi?




  1. He could change it to d**k Whittington and he would still be the wrong choice for Mayor of London.

  2. Hello,

    (ANS) Na!! mate he's changing it to "Boris Cameron" (David Cameron's poodle), you can see the glove puppet strings if you look carefully enough.


  3. No you almost got it right. Aldof Hitler.

  4. About as much truth as in the rumour that Gordon Brown is a Dalek.

  5. I don't believe there is any truth in that so-called rumour. In fact, this question is the only place that this rumour seems to have appeared. Funny that.

  6. theres truths and theres half truths...

    the truth is hes still pondering to what name to pick...

    the list is as follows...





    -COWARD errr... HOWARD




  7. Nah. Boris the Puppet.

  8. I heard his new full name is Boris Bush Sarkosy Yeltsin Oedipus de Piffle Berlusconi

  9. That bloke will be sectioned within 12 months of taking office.

    Red Ken was a wierdo but Boris is a complete buffoon.

    However, he is probably just what london deserves.

  10. I think he should change his name to Boris Lucas!!

    I personally think he looks like Matt Lucas wearing a blonde wig. So if he changes his name to Boris Lucas he and matt Lucas could pretend that they are brothers!

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