
Any under 18s been to italy???

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im 17 and going to italy (rome and tuskani) for 10days in july and just wondering, whats the drinking limit? and nightlife like..? not rlly interested in museams n tht lol xx thnkx




  1. Why you want to come to Italy and be pissed? you are not in england you can find some more interesting things to do than get pissed all the time, plus is not very common here...anyway no one will ask you the age plus the nightlife (even without drinks) is full and exciting...

  2. yeahh i went when i was 15 and they served me alcohol lmao:)

    the nightlife is good also ... all the men willl probably flirt with u haha :) x*x

  3. unfortunately here there aren't so many rules to respect for drinking like in the US. I went there last summer and in California they control your ID if you want to but alchool. In Italy they sell alchool even if you are 12!!!It's wrong, but you know, when people are interested in money, it doesn't matter if the customers are children! Ok so, you can buy alchool if you are interested (even if you should be 16 but nobody will ask you) and you can go to discos at any age!!! So you are 17 and you can have fun in a pub or in a disco, don't worry but be careful anyway

  4. @ L'Ardito III

    eheh hai ragione! XD

  5. I've been to Italy eight times and speak fluent Italian. I am 15.  I always enjoy the freedom to drink whenever you want and the nightlife is awesome in the big cities where the "discos" are a hot spot.

  6. fireblade e david :ammaza ma come lo parlate l'inglese voi , ma che burini

    What the h**l is tuskani  ? ...Tuscany i suppose ?

  7. i live in italy and i totally enjoy the nightlife there, especially on saturday night.

    You can drink whatever you want, they dont care how old you are as long as they make money.

    Just be careful which night club you go to cuz many of them are full of old crazy guys that try to hook up with you and dont trust them especially in big cities (i live in milan)

  8. Legal age in order to served alcoholic drinks in public places is still 16 (somebody tried twice to bring it up to 18 in less than two years, but since now they failed).

    Discos are the most easy to have fan wherever, but more would be available according to where in Italy are you going (the better "nightlife" is usually reported as along Versilia (Tuscany) and Rimini and nearby (Emilia Romagna).

    Anyway, please use common sense, even more if you're not used to drink (in Italy Anglo-Saxon teens are alas the more prone to get trouble because of lack of culture about drinking)

  9. oh my gosh HAVE FUN.

    i'm so jealous.  =]

    i want to go to italy and live in an italian villa like in that movie under the tuscan sun.  so BEAUTIFUL.  bella.  =]

  10. ive been to italy.

    Im 14 now but i went when i was like 12..

    Ive always been kinda a party girl so I went drinking..

    the drinking age is only like 17 i thinkk.

    The nightlife is AMAZINGG!

    tons of clubs, and places to eat.

    The drinks are kinda high, but that doesnt matter!

    Theres also alot of hott guys there!

    have fun


  11. Ima born in Italia , it be greata country

  12. it's 16 years

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