
Any update on the bee situation please?

by  |  earlier

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I see most stories about the decline in bees came out spring last year, has anyone got any recent information concerning this matter? has it got worse, stayed the same? is it really a big deal? can we just make food a different way?





  1. The story you are referring to is called Collapsing Colony Disorder (CCD).  The are still not certain what is causing it, however scientists seem to be focusing in on a virus that seems common in affected areas.  Its seems that the bees are almost trying to quarantine themselves, by abandoning their hive.  Honeybees contribute directly to almost all of our crops, excluding corn.  (Corn is wind-pollinated).  Without proper pollination, plant crops are greatly reduced.  Consider what an effect a 60 % recduction of the following crops would have: melons, apples, oranges, peppers, tomatoes, beans, squash, pears, plums, and so on.  If it flowers, it needs bees to fruit.  Also, bees polinate alfalfa (hay), which dents the food supply of livestock.  I'm a beekeeper, and orchards pay me roughly $4000 to just put my hives or thier property for two weeks when the apple trees are in bloom.  And I keep all the honey too.  If it wasn't important for thier crop, I doubt they would pay so much.


    No, we can't make food another way.  The biggest reason why is volume.  We can't physically do as much pollination to create as much food as the bees do.

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