
Any vegans actually tested for their percentage of fat?

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Alright, I'm not a vegan, I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian who wants to be vegan eventually. I've cut out a lot of egg from my diet, we don't even use eggs at our house at all, unless it's already in something store-bought.

But I was told by my Nutrition professor in college that no vegan is not obese. This is not a BMI thing, but using skin calipers to measure the amount of fat in a vegan. He said the reason is that it is hard for a vegan to get complete proteins without eating an excessive amount of calories. And if they don't eat enough protein, the incomplete proteins may not become complete, and those proteins are converted to fat.

He said he had never met a vegan who was not obese by these more accurate standards. I'm not talking BMI, since that only compares height with weight.

To me, it seems very unnatural to eat eggs and drink milk of another species. The only explanations I have is that he is wrong or that our primitive ancestors needed those calories.




  1. Obese is BMI,  do u mean really high body fat? I was vegan and really healthy ...and lost pounds like crazy! I'm planning going back vegan soon.

  2. Your nutrition professor is a moron.  There are plenty of vegans who are not obese.  I have a friend who is a vegan who is 5'2" tall and weighs 102 pounds.  Her body fat percentage is 16% using calipers.

    So, that shoots his theory all to h**l.

  3. i have about 14-15% body fat...

    it doesnt matter whether you're vegan or not but moreso how athletic you are. i  have a pretty toned body because i play sports and take gym class at school.

  4. I am like you.  I also use Biotin.  But, I still have some weight issues following my hysterectomy.

  5. The complete protein theory has been debunked. Your body stores the pools of nutrients you need, so as long as you eat a varied diet, you will everything you need. Also, many  athletes are vegan, and quite muscular. The book "Skinny *****" is a great source of info, BTW. So, if you eat enough, you wont need to take any supplements. The only nutrient you can not get through plant based sources is B-12, which is found in soy/rice/almond/ milk, and other fortified things.

  6. Your nutrition professor doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

    I actually have a body fat percentage tester at home. You hold it in front of you and the metal plates send a wave through your body which calculates the fat. My percentage fluctuates between 15-20% which is perfectly healthy and on the lower side. Definitely NOT higher than normal.

    I don't take supplements, I just eat a varied diet. Lots of fruit and veg, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, beans.

    If you're interested in Nutrition... have you read The China Study by T Colin Campbell? Recommend it to your proffesor... it will definitely teach him a few things about protein! I can't believe he's saying plant based protein is more calorific than animal products!

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