
Any volleyball advice?

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i am trying out for the volleyball team and i am a great player any advice for how i can prepare for the try out??




  1. If your great you shouldn't have to worry at all. You can always work on jumping serving, your vertical, being in good shape, otherwise if your that good then be confident going in and give it your all.

  2. Tips....

    -Be really really loud when calling the ball, this will get you noticed by the coaches.

    -Talk! Say things like out, in, short, long, backrow, help, mine, go go go, ready, set...etc.

    -Hustle for every ball, even if it is obvious that you cannot get it. Don't stand around and be lazy. Run when you are going to shag balls.

    -Serving is key. Be consisten when serving, make them all over the net.

    -If you are in the front row, and you are ready to hit, yell what position you are in. (middle, outside, back)

    -Dive for balls, even if you look stupid.

    -After you hit, snap your wrist so the ball spins down.

    -After you block, get off the net and be ready to pass the ball if it comes back at you.

    Some other things to get you noticed and help you succeed.....

    -Be on time, early if possible.

    -Wear kneepads.

    -Wear a bright shirt with your name on it if possible.

    -If the coach tells you to fix something, be sure to work on it.

    -Be confident and never ever ever complain. Don't roll your eyes when your coach is talking.

    Practice a lot at home! Buy a volleyball and pass and set to yourself a million times. It will help.

  3. practice over hand serves.....hit the ball to yourself and see how many time you can hit coach makes us do this all the time.

    good luck!

  4. We did a lot of just hitting back and forth and like you said we did run for a little it's nothing to be scared about.. I do have some tips if you would like. :)

    -Be really really loud when calling the ball, this will get you noticed by the coaches.

    -Talk! Say things like out, in, short, long, backrow, help, mine, go go go, ready, set...etc.

    -Hustle for every ball, even if it is obvious that you cannot get it. Don't stand around and be lazy. Run when you are going to shag balls.

    -Serving is key. Be consisten when serving, make them all over the net.

    -If you are in the front row, and you are ready to hit, yell what position you are in. (middle, outside, back)

    -Dive for balls, even if you look stupid.

    -After you hit, snap your wrist so the ball spins down.

    -After you block, get off the net and be ready to pass the ball if it comes back at you.

    Some other things to get you noticed and help you succeed.....

    -Be on time, early if possible.

    -Wear kneepads.

    -Wear a bright shirt with your name on it if possible.

    -If the coach tells you to fix something, be sure to work on it.

    -Be confident and never ever ever complain. Don't roll your eyes when your coach is talking.

    Practice a lot at home! Buy a volleyball and pass and set to yourself a million times. It will help.

  5. look up 'jump squats'.

    the exercise will really help your game
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