
Any warnings for traveling in Italy and Spain especially if your a girl?

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I have heard that guys are a little more forward is that true and does that mean I should dress as conservative as possable I already know that I need to dress nice and respectful in the vatican city?




  1. Yeah, watch yer azs.  :)

  2. If you go to get drunk and f*ck the first guy you have in front, maybe you can get hurt, no matter where.

    If you take normal precautions you and your friends would have a nice trip anywhere!

    Congratulations for your graduation!

  3. I've been living in Italy for the past year.  Yeah, the guys are definitely more forward here.  Expect them to stare without caring if you notice or not.  Don't worry about how you dress.  It won't make a difference.  A lot of them can be pretty immature, too.  Some of the things they'll do when they hit on you will seem outrageous, but they don't know any better.  The girls here are used to it and let them get away with it.

    In the major cities be very careful of your belongings, just like in any American city.  Watch out for pick pockets.  Wear your backpack in front of you when in crowds, as they'll come up behind you and cut the bottom of your backpack open if you don't.  You'll see a lot of Gypsies, just like everyone else has said.

    Only use marked taxis.  At train stations and airports beware of the taxi drivers trying to bring you back to their cars.  They often have illegal unmarked cars, and if you're alone it can be dangerous to go with them.  Even with your family you risk getting ripped off because they don't use meters.

    You should also expect people to be rude while you're in Italy.  Certain things that are part of their culture can be really offensive.  When they go to coffee shops they don't wait in nice orderly lines.  They push their way to the front and will walk right by you if you don't learn to  be aggressive.

    All of that aside, Italy is a great place to visit.  I had a good time in Spain when I was there, too.  I recommend picking up a phrase book and making an effort to use the language.  The people will be appreciative and often very helpful.

  4. I wanted to go and Iv'e been told that it is not safe there.

  5. Never travel anywhere alone and dress conservatively. Do some research online before you go. I have heard of some people who have worn shorts and got raped because they showed too much skin and guys thought of that as a sexual advance.

  6. don't be worried, Italy and Spain are wonderfull countries, you will enjoy your trip and the kindness of men. And don't forget, when you come back, to contact all the ppl above who think it's dangerous, to tell them how it was.

  7. Okay. Yes--the men over there are MUCH more "forward," as you put it. Especially toward tourists. Keep your belongings close to your body--a money belt (NOT a f***y pack) is strongly recommended. Gypsies are always on the lookout for vulnerable tourists--as are seemingly normal Italians--both men and women. As my professoressa put it, "Italy is generally safe for people, but not for their belongings!"

    As for conservative dressing, I would advise it, but be warned that Italy gets pretty hot in the summer, and most places don't have A/C or elevators. Most churches won't allow you to enter unless your shoulders, knees, and cleavage are covered. I would also advise on closed-toed shoes...just to be safe... So a t-shirt, jeans/khakis/capris and tennis shoes (or flip-flops, I don't think it matters, but I'm not sure) should be just fine to enter the churches.

    Buona fortuna e buon viaggio in Italia e Spagna!

  8. I would never travel anywhere alone as a girl (the unfortunate truth of the world), but I don't think that Italy or Spain are unsafe - you just have to put up with gawkers, etc. which really is not a safety issues, it's just an annoying issue. The one thing I remember being kinda unsafe are the so-called "Gypsies". They travel in small groups and attempt to distract you while someone steals your purse or wallet or other valuable; sometimes they crowd around you and pick-pockets. But again, if you are in a group or with a few friends you will be just fine.

    But, I wouldn't generalize any 1 place in the world as "unsafe" because every place on earth (including the U.S.) has safety issues. Be smart, Be careful, and Have fun!

    And yes, it's a good idea to not wear belly-bearing clothing in the Vatican City.

  9. Generally, it is not as bad as it first seems from the cat calls and hooting of drunken idiots on the street.

    Women are generally safe from violence in Italy. Although it can become uncomfortable to receive crude, inappropriate remarks all the time. Definitely learn some choice words in Italian to shame would-be "boyfriends" into leaving you alone. If it helps, know that Italian men are mostly all talk and no action.

    In Spain, machismo related violence used to be a major problem. However, this is partly because women in Spain are also surprisingly liberated (and forceful) compared to Italy. This is the result of the sudden freedom women received after years of oppression under the military dictatorship ended in the late 1970s. So there has been more of a power struggle between modern and tradtional roles.

    There has also been some recent changes to domestic violence and anti-social behavior law. Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapetero has introduced measures to crack down severely on rape and other forms of sexual harassment. Most Spanish men now realize they're looking at serious jail time if they are too physically aggressive. You can definitely use the police as leverage if it comes to that. As in Italy, usually a good public tongue lashing will force them to back off.

  10. yes dont travel there alone

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