
Any way to ensure a minimum connection speed across a router?

by  |  earlier

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hi there, i'm in a house with 4pc's in it... all running from the one source.

i dont mind spending a little money here, but i need a router that will ensure a constant speed to all pc's in the house...

basically three of us are gamers; we play 24/7 and we're typically mid match, when the fourth person in the house decides to download a movie or large file, etc... all three gamers lag out...

who makes a device/router that will ensure a minimum stream to each device... say, a 60kb/s dedicated to each device, then the remainder bandwidth, shared between the 4 devices...

and (in a perfect world) when there's only one person online....... they'll be given the maximum download speed possible by the line...

bear in mind there's xbox's here, not just pc's




  1. uhh use bittorent and set the download limiter to about 30kb/s

    that person can still surf while you all can play plus you might get some peers to download the file faster

    right click the file> bandwith allocation> download limit> (this)

    Right click the file> bandwithallocation> upload limit> 5kb/s

    hope it helps

    or you could wait on internet 2 where comcast basicly gets made into dialup by it. lol comcast = pwned when that comes out.

  2. You want a router with bandwidth management, and several are available.  This is a link to the newegg search i did on this for you.  This is a start, use this to reaseach which will work best for you

  3. Due to limited details posted, im not sure what brand / type of router you have. If i am correct, most routers nowadays come with a feature called (QoS) which stands for Quality of Service. What this feature does is allow you to assign "Quality of Service" for each port on the router. Assuming the 3 gamers are connected to the router via wired (LAN), you can go into the settings of the router and set those 3 ports going to your gaming systems to receive a higher % of bandwidth, and set the other one to normal or a lower % of bandwidth. If you wish to get a new router, I would suggest Netgear. They have products of quality and great support. For a list of decent routers for your needs and not too expensive, follow the link below:

    Good Luck. Hope this helps. Email me for more assistance.

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