
Any way to get rid of a Urinary Tract Infection without going to the doc?

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I am about 90% sure that is what I have since I have had them before and I am having the same symptoms. I am in school right now so it's tough to go to the doc... if there aren't any home remedies that'll work, I guess I'll have to go...

I do drink the cranberry juice very often, but I know it only helps to prevent them and not cure them...

thanks in advance




  1. cranberry juice does help cure them. there is also a over the counter pill u can buy called cystex it might work ,has for me in the past.

    stay away from sodas and caffeine things like that. If they dont work see a doc sometimes you just cant get away from the antibiotics.

  2. Have you tried homeopathic Apis mellifica or Cantharis?  These two are of immense benefit when one is dealing w/ UTI's.  Also, please recognise that repeated UTI's can be caused by your partner's cleanliness (or lack thereof) and can also a symptom of allergy to your partner's sperm.  They can also be caused by your partner's sleeping with other people.  A couple things to think about.

    Also, cranberry juice does indeed help cure bladder infections for at least four reasons:  1) It further alkalizes the urine, creating a pH which is inhospitable to the bacteria which causes UTI's.  2)  It prevents the bacteria from implanting itself into the bladder wall, and so aids and assists in flushing the bacteria out.  [If they can hang on, out they go with your next pee...] 3)  It increases fluids in the body, and the flow of urine, which also assists in flushing the bacteria out.  4)  It's an extremely high source of vitamin C, which strengthens immune function.  Eat lots and lots of raw, fresh garlic, too.  It can only help.  Also, if you have any antibiotic herbs on hand like echinaecea, goldenseal, myrrh, propolis, royal jelly, usnea, astragalus, schizandra, TAKE THEM!  They can only help you right now.

  3. they do have urinary and bladder infection medical over the counter now.

    go to your local drug store - Walgreens etc - and you will see it.  

    it includes a test which tells you if you have an infection.

    It might help if it's just a basic low-key infection.  If it doesn't then you really need to go to the doctor.

    there are a lot of other things with young women such as cervical cancer etc which can mimmick a urinary tract infection.

  4. Take Cranberry concentrate capsules and garlic capsules- 2 each every four hours.  Drink copious amounts of water and urinate as frequently as you can.  Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugar- including fruit juices.  Rest as much as possible. You should notice a difference in 24 hours.

  5. lots and lots of water may help but you probably do need the doctor

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