
Any way to improve sketchy sound quality in a video?

by  |  earlier

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i have live footage from the angels and airwaves concert i wen to it sounds ok but there is always like a "chrrrrr" ing sound and i was wondering if there is any way to take that off




  1. umm u can try to  get anything  electronical away from it  and try a better soundsystem

  2. It's hard to say exactly, because it depends on alot of factors... however.....

    If the problem is basically a static "noise" that's consistently in the background of the recorded audio, they what you can try to do is apply a noise filter. Many sound editing programs have this, including some freeware ones.

    Essentially what you do is provide the program with a clip/section of audio that pretty much has nothing but that "noise" in it... then, using noise filtration, the editing program can try to remove that sound from the rest of the audio you have.  How well it works, if at all, depends on factors like how distinct the "noise" is from the rest of the audio  and the quality of the original recording. You also of course also need to provide the couple seconds of nothing but that "noise" that you want to remove.  If you can't reproduce that with your camera... you'll need to go through all the video footage and find a spot where it's relatively silent, except for that noise.

    However, since your working with video, you either need a video editing program that has such a feature... OR you need to output the audio only from your video editor... edit the audio in your sound editor... then resync the audio to the video in your video editor.  That's alot less complicated then it sounds though.. providing you have the programs to do so.

    Windows Movie Maker or whatever comes with a Mac should be able to output just the audio I think.  As for an audio editor.. if you don't have another one... there are plenty of freeware audio software options off  Audacity is one of them that I've use before and I know it has noise filtration... has very good reviews too... here's a link......

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