
Any way to increase wifi range without moving router?

by  |  earlier

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My dad has it in a remote corner of the house, and though it's not far, it has to punch it's way through about 6 walls before getting to my room. I asked his to centralise it but he (for some reason) refuses.

So are there any appliances that can strengthen the signal?

Also, could I get another router? or would that mean a new subscription to the ISP?

Please don't suggest knocking down the walls... some idiot already pulled that joke.






  1. for about 50 cents, you can build your own wireless anteanna range extender.  

    check out this website.  Even has a video showing how to build it yourself with common stuff most people have around the house.

  2. well if u have a mac, there are things that let u get internet from far away its called a mac bus port or something. If you look up that then u can find something similar for windows

  3. You can get a wireless access point and set it into repeater mode and site it in an intermediate room.

  4. Get a directional antenna.  The router transmits its signal in a 360 degree bubble.  If it's in a corner of the house, that means 270 degrees is wasted in the yard, and you are only getting 1/4 of the signal in the house.

    A directional antenna will focus the antenna's signal in a cone shaped pattern, increasing its power in the house.

    Signal boosters / repeaters don't work.

  5. well i had to knock down my wall

    so knock down your walls

    or remodel your house

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