
Any way to speed up my internet ?

by  |  earlier

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I have AT&T DSL service. i went to the sever IP server website thing ( and it said : Downstream Rate 8000 (Kbits/Sec) , Upstream Rate 512 (Kbits/Sec). I ran a speed test and my internet was only running at about Download-781kbps Upload-109kbps. thats really slow compared to what roadrunner gave me. i think something may be wrong with my router but im not sure. But is there any way to speed this thing up ?




  1. You can increase your Maximum MTU...You can try for more info, or just google max. MTU.

    If I remember correctly, dslreports has a utility that allows you to adjust the max. MTU.

    (The following is from Wikipedia) In computer networking, the term Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) refers to the size (in bytes) of the largest packet or frame that a given layer of a communications protocol can pass onwards.

  2. Whens the last time you reformated your comuter? Save your important files and reinstall your operating system.

  3. its speeds up my internet connection

  4. Clean out the viruses.  That always seems to help many times at least.

  5. Those speeds are about right for DSL, roadrunner is digital cable which is significantly faster than DSL.

    Standard AT&T DSL has a downstream rate of up to 768Kbps. You can always pay more for more bandwidth though.

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