
Any ways to get backstage passes to a concert?

by  |  earlier

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i really really want to get backstage to the jobros b.c i have lawn seats:[

does anybody have any tips besides, contests, and knowing somebody lol:]





  1. try the radio station that is promoting the show

  2. Well, there's always the trick of doing the pretty girl flirt with the bouncer thing -- apparently lots of bands actually ask the bouncers to find/let pretty girls into the backstage....

    But I don't even know if you're a girl or a guy...

    Umm.... the knowing somebody trick is always your best bet... is the concert soon??  Hmmm... let me think....

    Are there any clubs in your area?  That play the same kind of music?  Are you (or can you look) relatively cool?  Its really not at all hard to get into the "cool" "know somebody" crowd -- if I can do it, you can, trust me.  Basically, its all about knowing the right person -- which would be the owner (manager works, but owner is better) of a local club in your town.  You can become "friends" with people surprisingly quick.  (I can't believe I'm writing this.)

    Then there's just a bit of name-dropping, and discussing the band, etc., and, well, if you play it right, your right in -- walk directly up to the VIP entrance!!!  It's really not as hard as people think, and [even dorky people like the accountant like me] can pretty much get through.  Its just a matter of who you know.  Which would be the OWNER of a club.  Not the manager, not the bouncer, not the bartender, the OWNER.  All those others may try to lead you on, but its the owner who's going to get you in.  

    So, that's the deal.  Hope you can swing it.  Good luck!!!


    Sorry, I just have to reiterate a bit.  It's all about the OWNER.  Don't know the owner?  Don't know who the owner is?  Ask!!!  Who cares if you look like a dork -- trust me, a thousand other people look dorkier.  But don't let some fool-a/s/s manager or bartender let you think they're all that, it's all about the OWNER.  I can't say it enough.  Nobody understands this -- pretty much just like nobody understood how a dork like me could get into any club in the country (world, even) VIP, for free.  It's all about the OWNERS, they know each other, they know the bands, they've got the cash, they're the ones to deal with.  And they're cool enough -- they're just like normal people, so no need to be worried.  But remember, if you want to go the whole "knowing somebody" route, its all about the OWNER -- don't get roped into thinking any of those other fools can do anything for you.  (Which is what happens to everybody else.)

    And again, good luck!!!

  3. Get a job as a groupie for the band.

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