
Any websites that'll help me skip 8th grade?

by Guest67163  |  earlier

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are their any websites that have lesson plans of what i might be learning in 8th grade?




  1. 8th is really fun be happy

  2. - you can take middle and high school courses online so you don't have to take them in school. and its free. not exactly what you wanted but you might be interested. I'm in high school and im taking drivers ed on it right now.

  3. We need a little more info to give you a truly reliable answer.  First, are you homeschooling now? Or, are you in public school?

    If: in public school

    Then: talk to you guidance counselor about accelerated classes if you think the 8th grade classes will be to easy.

    If: homeschooling

    Then: talk to mom or dad and see what the plans are for 8th grade curriculum.  Much is repeated.  We actually skip 7th grade here.  I'm the mom, I don't do 7th because it is repetitive.  We probably skip 1/2 of 8th grade also and jump directely into high school subjects at 13 years old.  We cover a lot more ground, and don't have to do it twice just to fill time. That is one of the beauties of homeschooling, being thorough the first time really cuts down total time necessary.  We unschool a lot, and pretty much just start getting into "modern" educational models when starting high school subjects.  

    If you want to know exactly what is on the 8th grade curriculum for the public schools, try going to your state's Department of Education website. Ours has a section that actually outlines the requirements (also known as Scope and Sequence) for each grade level.  

    Best to you!

  4. Why would you want to skip 8th grade?  Instead of skipping, see if you can take some High School Credit classes in 8th.  Some schools will let you earn a few of your High School Credits while you are still in 8th, usually things like Algebra 1, Health, and State History.

  5. If you're trying to skip 8th grade in a public school, it doesn't work that way. The schools determine it based on their own criteria and usually won't allow students to skip 8th grade unless it's a transfer from some advanced private school or an assessment for a homeschooled student that shows the language and math skills warrant "skipping" a grade.

    Besides, there's no way you'd find a teacher's lesson plans online for 8th grade.

    If you are homeschooled, it's not a matter of skipping grades but doing the work for 2 grades in one year. So, you'd get yourself two years' worth of math texts and speed things up to finish in a year. You'd read, read, read, above grade level stuff and work on your creative writing and essay skills, finding outside help if you need it.

    So, you see, it's not about learning it all, it's about developing skills, which you may or may not be able to do in significantly less time than a year.

  6. You'll still have to do the work.

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