
Any weird things happening out there?like coincidences type stuff?

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just curious..if anyone has strange stuff happen or things u cant explain?..stories appreciated...thanks




  1. Ya... they happen a lot... I just think of them as proof that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at that particular point in time.

    For example:

    Feeling an urge to go to a pariticular store & seeing a friend there that u havent seen in a long time.

    Dreaming about being in a particular situation, then it comes true.

    Knowing strange things that don't make sense... Like, I'll think "cop" & slow down, then I'll see a cop in a speed trap on the side of the road, someplace I've never seen them before.

  2. I have always told myself and been so clear that I'm not gonna let myself fall in love with someone who lives too far, or moves away or something, and just recently I got in a long distance relationship. It's ironic, because I have always been afraid of them.

  3. a week after i got my pocket buddhu it broke in two on the carvings neck...

  4. well the other day i told my b/f he better get a job and the next day he got one lol

  5. okay, this is one that i do not tell a lot. About 11 years ago, my daughter was 6 month old and still in my room, I had 2 dogs, a beagle and a collie.  The collie was a big and loud barker, he would bark at any noise.  Every night I made sure that I put them in my bedroom with me and shut the door so they would not bark( my husdand traveled alot and was gone from home frequently).  One night i had set the baby's bottle and nipples on the stove to boil, but forgot about them and went to bed.  As usual when i went to bed i made sure that both dogs were in the bedroom and shut the door.  At about 2a.m.  i heard my collie barking , on the outside of my bedroom door!  I opened the door and the downstairs was filled with smoke from the bottles and nipples that i had put on and forgot about!

    If i have ever had a guardian angel, it was that night!  My angel lifted my collie up and out through the door and got him to bark so i would wake up and open the door.  if not we would be all gone now.  

    Yes i do believe in these things,  sometimes it is not your time!  I know that I have had many of them.  

  6. A strange thing happened yesterday. I was happy for a moment, the blink of an eye.

    Now THAT'S unconventional!

    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the stars were slightly misaligned for that singular moment.  

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