
Any west brom fans on ere

by  |  earlier

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boing boing




  1. on a scottish football section??

  2. pass me them chewns no baggies in here just flairs if you want to see some

    wrong section wrong time right people

  3. Not many in the Scottish section I'm afraid

    bawbag bawbag

  4. Boring when Gera is gone.

  5. Here 'cause it's Albion, you're only here 'cause it's Albion!! Boing Boing from Brum matey..How we gonna do this season then?? 14th at least me thinks..We're Back Again...

  6. who?

  7. Only the desperate ones,...  you're North of the border here mate.

  8. Why does West Brom have fans? What is it they do to earn fans? What is a 'West Brom' ?

  9. nup

  10. no. why?

  11. I kept an eye on them when John Hartson went down but then he hardly got a game.  However they sent me up some merchandise and signed photos from John when my young cousin went into hospital so I have a lot of time for them.

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