
Any white (British) been to Nigeria / Lagos with out any other white person with you? Is it safe?

by  |  earlier

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Im suppose to be goign there in December with my partner (Nigerian parents but born in Britiain -British passport)

His sister is getting married over there.

Ive heard alot about how bad the place is. Apparently being white isnt a good thing as theyll presume you have a lot of money...

Any advice? Have you been?

Im a women, will be only white person going. Am i just being paranoid?

We wont be bringing our daughter with us because we dont think its safe enough for her but is it even safe for us?

My partner was born in UK/London so he doesnt know either...




  1. u need to be very careful,but if u husband have families there,don't will be a problem,also how long to u know u husband? repeat be very careful,and going first to u embassy when u arrive.

  2. Should not be a problem, assuming someone in the family will meet and pick you up. Many nationalites fly too and from here everyday.

    And you need a visa to get in here. Visit the Nigerian embassy in the UK.

    Don't forget to see a Dr. and get your shots, and malaria prevention.

    Click on to our local website below that we all read each day here. Plenty of information and news. And you can ask questions as well.

    Good luck!!! and don't be so paranoid. Play it safe and don't draw attention to yourself (Jewelry etc). Most Nigerians are happy, decent and christian people, but most are very poor. Hence other problems.

  3. go with an open mind. do not make yourself too conspicuous. you must always be in the company of others and never go on your own to exploit or you may be exploited.

    good luck!

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