
Any witches or psycics? I need help :(?

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I know this is a bit drastic but someone I know is missing, and I just wondered if there was anything you can do to protect her or something? Or even just tell me if she is okay?




  1. She's fine, nearer than you think and wants some alone time.

  2. The feights are telling me something... oh oh ooo..


    Oh wait, sorry, I farted kehe.

    Your friend will be okay as long as she carries a gun.

  3. witches and psychics don't try to help people for free they want money for their work

    just thought I'd add that the one person who said she does it for free said go to a local SHOP.

    In my life I haven't run across one psychic who did anything for free.  I have not met a lot of witches but the ones that did psychic work were not free.  Hey they have to make a living too.

    recklessdreamer was take so yeah, its my name anyways so what if I want to misspell it?

  4. I can't help you with this unless shes dead. Sorry.

  5. Pray to God.

    I will too.

    His power is strong.

  6. file a missing persons report with the cops

  7. Oh my, I see you're getting a lot of help here (not). - other than Prairie Crone that is.

    Excuse me a minute - recklesdreamer - please DO NOT speak for me, or any other witches, or even psychics.  I do not presume to put myself in your shoes and speak for you.  This witch has NEVER charged anyone a cent for any witchcraft I've done for them, unless they wanted something done with specific materials in which case they can pay for the materials themselves.  My gods do not instruct me to make a profit, and I live a very modest life.  Whenever I have extra money - it goes to charity.  Honestly - people like you need to just shut up, I'm quite sick of people who don't even know me or any of my fellow witches speaking on our behalf!!!  I would have emailed you this, but of course, you have your email blocked.  Is that so you can say whatever you feel like here on Y!A and not deal with the repercussions of your actions?

    Okay, back to the question...Sorry about that.  Having a cranky period of time right now.

    Honestly, I am not good at working magic via internet, or reading energies through it.  And you're going to get a lot of answers from fruitcakes here - not real help.  I would recommend finding a metaphysical/pagan shop nearby you and inquiring about good local psychics.  They could also give you ideas and/or help you with sending protections to your missing friend.

    Just click on your state to find its listings:

    Best wishes.

  8. quick spell can be done but not in open forum

  9. As to shadows original response... have you ever heard of the occult?

  10. Recklesdreamer (reckless, by the way, has two s's), I am both a witch and a psychic.  Money is NOT my god, and I have always offered my help for free.

    Steph, I would file a missing persons report with the police first.  Next, I would pray.  A ritual I have found successful is to light a white candle, place a picture of the person next to it, and imagine your soul sending energy to her.  Imagine the energy as a white light surrounding her and protecting her.

    I hope this helps!  If I knew her name or saw a picture I might be able to read something about her situation.  Feel free to email me — I'm

  11. she in a house

  12. I agree wholeheartedly with Crystal Dolphin- I never charge a penny unless someone needs to buy specific materials- and they always get to keep what is not used becuase it's theirs- they bought it and I simply borrow it.

    Anyway... I sense there is a dark cloud- you feel very nervous for this person. Anyone would when someone they care about it missing, but I think there are words you both desperately need to share with each other. I don't sense that she is harmed, only that she does not quite know what to do with herself. If this situation changes, I shall try and let you know.

    Until then, I shall invoke the angel Tabris, and the Metatron, and ask their guidance that she may find her way safely. But since I don't know her, it's going to be difficult. Please, try to focus your own energies. Meditate, ask celestial beings to show her your love at this time, and ask that they protect her. I know I shall be asking Michael with his cobalt cloak and golden sword to give her strength. Please, too, do not be too shaky or worried. You need to relax!

    In love, light, and with sincerity, Mena x

    P.S. Feel free to email me if you need to talk anytime! :-)

  13. Steph....are you sure she's missing?

    I don't sense that she is, I sense that she just 'appears' to be missing.

    When your heart is involved and you are worried about someone you care about, it is easy for your good energy to reach them. Light a white candle and imagine that light reaching her. Imagine her covered in that light.

    You can also call on Archangel Michael to protect her and to watch over her wherever she may be.

    Another one that a friend of mine used to do is say "A thousand Angels surround *name* right now." Chant that when you light the candle.

    I would help but I don't have a connection to your friend but I have faith in you and that you can do this yourself.

    Please update us and let us know that she is okay.


    I will ask the Goddess Bridget to be with her and that if she isn't really missing, to have her get in touch with you soon.

  14. The best thing to do is to ask Jesus to protect them through praying to Him.

    Just say something like this " Dear Lord, I'm sorry for my sins, please come into my heart and save my friend and look after them. In the name of Jesus, amen."

  15. just cal the cops......witches or psycics dont exist . ... sigh

  16. light a white candle call her name and say a message for her, look at a photo of her whilst your doing so

    hope is all well take care x

  17. Just send me £30 and everything will be OK.


    Edit - no thumbs down I have a 98.7% record - prove me wrong!

  18. contactthe police. i think she'll be fine. but every second you dont tell someone the less likely you are to find her. hurry. the clock is ticking.

  19. okey try thinking about that person really hard befor o=u go to bed ... or pray that you will have a dream about them and you may see where they are or if they r okey it may work u should try it ...if not sorry ill pray thst person is okey and u find them ...

  20. I commend you for trying to find a way to help your friend.

    Sit quietly, center your self and visualize a white light around yourself pouring all of your desires for your friends safety into it and then visualize it surrounding your friend.  Do this went ever you feel the need to.  Send them the energy and they will feel it...  Good luck to you and your friend.  I hope she comes home safe and sound.

    Blessings Crone

  21. she is with someone you both know and ok ill say a thought for her safe return

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