
Any yummy but high in fiber foods you can think of?

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I have decided I need more fiber in my meals, but anything high in fiber doesn't taste that great. For example, most cereals that are high in fiber don't have any taste. Can you think of any food or meal plans that are high in fiber but delicious too? Thanks.




  1. Oat bran




    Apples and berries

    Raw vegetables

    Whole wheat bread


    Wholegrain bread

    Brown rice

  2. Bran muffins with ginger are so gorgeous.

  3. The answer before was great.

    Also, the best high-fiber cereal I've ever had is the Kashi GoLean Crunch. Tastes amazing. I like it with milk, yogurt, fruits, or just plain from the box for a snack.

    And it's not really very expensive. I buy it from Sam's Club, which works out great for my budget.

  4. try fiber one cereal, its really good they have all different kinds of brands you can choose from, drink plenty of water, eat some pears,plums, i don't care for prunes to much but you can try to see if it works for you,green leafy vegetables,beans ,also try high fiber wheat bread too. change up your diet, i don't do to much of that over the counter stuff it just messes your digestive system and does not keep your regular and keeps you gassy, if you change your diet and cut down on the things that your eating you will notice a change and try some exercise also helps too

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