
Any1 else here eat steak three times a week?

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Any1 else here eat steak three times a week?




  1. nope. steak is a special treat for me. mabey on a weekend.

    too bad it's so expensive. oh well i guess it makes me appreciate it :)

    enjoy ur steak

    a fellow omnivore

  2. Lol.


    Are you rich or something...?


    I HATE when people refer to those who eat meat as Carnivores. Ahh! It just gets my blood boiling. Carnivore is not the antonym of Vegetarian! Herbivore is the opposite of Carnivore and I somehow doubt that Vegetarians ONLY eat plants while it's basically impossible that non-Vegetarians ONLY eat meat. No. We're all Omnivores. You can however, choose to be a Vegetarian.

  3. actually i really did eat steak like 3 times a week for like 6 months in a row.  Then i found out its really bad to have that much steak. So i stopped.

  4. yup, life is great

  5. many people do... actually red meat is very good for you if you are young and trying to add muscle, but not if your older.  

  6. No..not only could I not afford it, but it's

    not a healthy food choice to eat that frequently.

    Too much red meat has been linked

    to causing/contributing to Colon Cancer.

    Besides, I would get sick and tired of

    eating the same meal incessantly.Hand me some variety

    any day,


  7. No, I'm a vegetarian, but my carnivorous housemates might. And what does this have to do with philosophy?

  8. Even more whenever possible.

    Vegetables are what food eats!

  9. ...and i love it meat...yummylicious...

  10. No, sorry. I'm a Vegetarian.

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