
Any1 know how to change my gasoline run car into one that runs on veggie oil???

by  |  earlier

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is there any place where you can give in your car and get it changed???




  1. Only by changing the motor. Gasoline motors will stand the heat or pressure that a diesel will.

  2. Better to build a hydrogen generator and use the H in the intake

  3. You need to purchase a vehicle with a diesel engine. Preferably an older mechanical diesel with minimal electronics. It can be done with a newer diesel, but computer modifications will be needed in most cases. The diesel vehicle will need a new fuel system run with heaters in the fuel tank to prevent the oil from gelling. You will also have to remember to mix the oil with diesel~ it is nearly impossible to start on straight bio-diesel. You will also need a filter to clean the fuel before it goes in your vehicle. In short, unless you're a trained auto technician or very, very mechanically inclined, or have enough money to pay the large price to have a vehicle converted I recommend that you not bother.

    Just sell your gasoline powered vehicle and purchase a diesel one. They get much better fuel economy than gas engines. For instance a late model VW Golf gas engine gets about 32 mpg where as the same vehicle with the 1.9 liter TDI turbo diesel gets 55-60 mpg. It is cheaper to drive a diesel even with the current price of diesel versus gasoline. Not to mention the fact that they require less up keep and no more annoying spark plugs!

    Don't do that Hydrogen gas idea~ it just confuses the h**l out of your computer. Its not worth the bother.

  4. you need a diesel engine.  forget it.

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