
Any1 who can forward this info to the police by my name coz its nt possible 2me to reach police.God bless u?

by  |  earlier

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I CANT INFORM TO POLICE COZ I M NOT IN INDIA I M OUT OFF INDIA ....ABOUT HOW I KNOW THIS ITS A BIG STOREY ? HELP PLZZZZZZZZZZZ its true information .Is there any 1 to help me ….I know a Terriest he is mafia …under world man. I need this information to be passed to Indian police. This man stays in Hyderabad or a village near Hyderabad named as mahmood nagar . His mobile number is +919966476588.

This man also mostly visits Kingdome of Saudi Arabia in Quarter. Plz any 1 of u forward this information to the police its 101% true. As this person is also having his hand in the bomb attack in train in India. plzzzzzzzzzzz help ........plzzzzzzz




  1. If you can't phone: email Delhi police at or

    here's a page with all email adresses from Delhi police.

    If inside India for women dial 1091, if able to phone you are allowed not to disclose your identity

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