
Anybody Else Notice The Liberal Hypocrisy at the RNC?

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It never ceases to amaze me; The public in general is barraged by liberals with all the politically correct garbage regarding "tolerance", it being a necessity. Yet they have the stupidity to show their hypocrisy through their actions at the RNC. Do they not realize it validates their instability as a collective group? Why doesn't the liberal side of the house disassociate themselves from these fringe extremist who act like a bunch of temper tantrum throwing 2 year old's? Is it that liberals have backed themselves into a corner and can no longer tell one of their own to grow up, you're wrong in what your doing?

Liberals, please explain the philosophy behind your "do as I say, not as I do" method of conduct.




  1. They scream anti-war yet show violence during protests.

    They preach for womens rights yet say Palin doesn't belong in the White House.

    They are Pro-Choice and make fun of special needs babies and 17 year old mothers.

    Is this what we want for America?

  2. Both sides have "temper tantrum" throwing members.  Its how politics work.  Do you disagree that Republicans have them as well?

  3. The troublemakers at the RNC are anarchists. Anarchists are more akin to libertarianism and conservatives than to liberalism.

  4. Yes. Very hypocritical.

    No one was storming the DNC and protesting Obama's speech. There weren't any big tirades about it. Of course they will make the excuse that this was just "freedom of speech" but there are no excuses. Such childish outbursts out of such ignorant people are unforgivable and reminds me of why the left is truly the side who causes the most problems.

  5. Your question and comment is inconsistent.  You already state that there are "fringe extremists" yet you castigate the entire political spectrum of liberals...

  6. What are you even talking about? You throw out a bunch of accusations but you don't back anything with structured proof or examples of, well, anything.

    Please try to ask questions that are aswerable.

  7. Nope, as usual the conservative republicans and rnc are the confused hypocrites.

    "do as I say, not as I do"

    Like so called "family values" sarah palin and her unwed, pregnant teenage daughter.

  8. Don't associate all liberals with a bunch of extremists. There are extremists on the left and the right. You shouldn't generalize everyone

  9. the only thing we won't tolerate is intolerance.  

    most of the protesters are peaceful. somehow the tv cameras show the window smashers, go figure.

    it does give me a chuckle to hear a republican hurl accusations of hypocrisy. but since you asked for it...i, happy dem, do hereby formally and officially renounce the idiot window smashers (and the bully cops who pepper sprayed donna brazille).

  10. What are you talking about?  There are no liberals at the RNC nor do liberals back extremists.  You've clearly confused them with republicans.  But if con policies have sparked violence, cons have only themselves to blame.

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