
Anybody Got Any Website Ideas?

by Guest55677  |  earlier

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I really want to make a website but I really don't know what I could put on it!!

I'm quite skilled with computers so most of the time i know what I'm doing and I have always been good at designing things so I thought a website would be great!

I've already got the bluevoda software (which is probably the best free website software you can get)

Basically I'm not interested in making money yet because I wouldn't know what to do and I'm 15. I would absolutely love to have my own internet business but untill i'm more skilled I'd rather not make a money making website.

So what could I do instead? I would love to make a website that shows videos (like youtube) and where people can upload videos, but if someone uploaded a pirated movie then what would I do if a copyright claim was made or something like that.

Could anyone help me with ideas or advice?




  1. Art website? Pictures of nature? E.g., take hikes in your neighborhood (good for you, anyway), take pix of stuff, and this'll also be good for you to practice your skills at positioning pix on web pages.

    You could try, the age-old problem, mouse-over enlargement, on-click enlargement, javascript slideshow, picasa slideshow, and on, and on.

    Ought to be fun. And, if you develop skills at publishing really fine LARGE pix, you could make huge moolah.

  2. I got lot's of ideas, but can't make them on my own. If you like to talk, here's my msn:

  3. Make a video site if you want.. Don't see the point in this world having thousands of them out there.. As far as copy right cliams, have the user be held liable when they sign up.. make up a TOS (Terms of Service).. Or if you really want to get technical, you can call up a lawyer and have him/her make up an agreement that would be useable for Law.

    As far of website ideas, erm.. Not quite sure.. Just make a website of what your passionate about. Why not do a blog about your experiences with computers? Showcase some of your designs and stuff, make it personal..

  4. Hey maybe you can help me.  I've got some domain names I bought and started making templates in Net Objects but I'm not much of a programmer (I'm a writer and I know SEO) and can't find the time to do what I want.  The websites are all used pickup truck related (but lifestyle websites - tangents on camping, hunting, etc.)- on one of them I wanted people to submit their pickup truck videos and pictures but I don't have a clue about videos.  (And I'm not really near that stage.)  For one I need the forms designed (for classified ads) and I need ecommerce shopping carts that I'm looking into...There's one gift/holiday website I'd like to get up and running first...that I haven't started yet..videos aren't really needed...everything's sitting in my brain...I know what I is up in the air pretty much but I'm big on usability so there's certain features that have to be included to optimize the landing page and promote sales, etc...the only thing is I've heard some negative stuff on bluevoda...have to look into hosting and compatibilities and stuff like that..see if you create it in Bluevoda if it can be transferred to something else..but if you're interested....I have no money but we could work something out like I pay you a flat rate if I make X money from the website or something like that...(not interested in a longtime profit thing because it's for my boyfriend and I to hopefully start making an income b4 he retires or has a heart attack...but maybe pay you X amount until you reach $500 in payment or something like that..big risk of course since you know nothing about me..but if you have nothing better to do then heck why not...but if you want to do something on your own..I wouldn't risk getting into copyrighted stuff unless you've got good attorneys...It is definitely easier to do something you love to if you're going to make a website..think about what you are REALLY interested in...(i have to write articles on things I know nothing about and it takes a LOT more time than when I know what I'm writing about..) Start a free blog even (that's what I'm doing just to play around see how things work) and see what you need to learn, where you can expand your knowledge, etc. Make your mistakes at a small place first..then you'll be ready for the big projects in the future. Heck - start a blog on teaching people how to make videos and upload them!  Then you'd have a place to put videos..and you can ask people to submit their first videos they've tried or something like that...there's till a big wide world out there of us old folks who aren't as savy as you techie's who look for places to learn new techniques! You could have beginner stuff then go into more advanced stuff...Kinda like there's some great websites that teach photoshop and they use videos to teach..and they let people upload their photoshop stuff....and teaching also helps you learn...Anyhow..I'm liking that that's my suggestion to you...Start a blog (free and you can do your own HTML and just insert it) on how to make and upload videos....each blog entry is one step...get into details, megabytes, dos and don'ts...good and have a video posted at the end of each blog entry...give a page (if you can a blog..I don't know all the rules of a maybe a blog isn't perfect..but the idea is planted..) anyhow, a page for people to upload their practice videos or videos even for critique? Maybe a critque service to see if videos are good enough to be posted on a website or something like that? I don't know..shots in the dark..but an idea! If you're intersted in playing around with any truck stuff let me know..just email me...good luck! (excuse any typos I'm not spellchecking...)

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