
Anybody Know what type of tree this is?

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theres an avacado tree behind it has wrinkled leaves, berries




  1. Without a picture of the flowers, it is difficult to make an accurate statement on what it is because of how diseased the leaves are.  My suggestion is to take a sample of it in to your local agricultural extension agent.  Not only will he or she be able to identify it, but also recommend a treatment for the fungus or virus that is currently affecting the tree.

  2. Well, it's not a mulberry. I can see a couple of what look like off white berries but the photos really aren't clear enough except to say the "wrinkled" leaves look diseased, maybe a virus.

  3. The 1st & 2nd pictures make me think it is a Mulberry Tree (Moraceae).  A couple of other clues (questions) for you.  Did it have a huge amount of pollen last spring with rather inconspicuous flowers?  Does it have heavy surface roots?  If in fact it is a fruited mulberry, when the berries drop, they will stain not only the patio, but clothing, etc. (be careful of your shoes if you've been by the tree & go inside.  The stain will not come out)

    A couple very good things about the Mulberry: It does provide excellent shade and, once established like your is, requires little water.

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