
Anybody been a US Marine & a Cop?

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Ok, so my fiance' is in the United States Marine Corps. His MOS is infantry 0311, and is currently in 2nd FAST Company, which is a fast react team that can be anywhere in the world in 48 hours, they are trained as a grunt, but more intense, because they call in FAST when no other branch or Marine Infantry cant handle it on their own, aka when c**p hits the fan. Well My dad is a Police Officer, in Alabama. And Yes, I have all the respect in the World for Policemen. BUT, my dad give my fiance no credit what-so-ever. He gos around calling him a pansy, saying he would have joined the Marines if he knew it was that EASY. I just want you feedback because even though I KNOW being in Law Enforcement is dangerous work, I still believe being a Marine, takes more guts, more physical & mental training, and deserves a little more respect. Have any of you been both so you can tell me honestly which is harder?




  1. No need to be in both, or either.  Being a Marine is tougher, hands down.

    When the local purse thieves start carrying RPGS and setting off mortars, your dad can start talking smack; until then, he'd better start eating crow.  He owes your fiance' and you an apology.  I'd suggest that the fiance' with his entire team and CO show up at Dad's station in full dress uniform to collect said apology.  Only the most idiotic twit would sass a Marine to his face.

    (It would be more fun to challenge fat-mouth to spend a few weeks at Parris Island, but that would be hard to arrange and he'd probably wimp out anyway.)

  2. its really hard to be a marine than a donut eating lazy bum cops. Marine train really hard, but maybe thats why a lot of them are so cocky.

    However a real hardcore soldier is AF PJ or CCT

  3. ok being a marine is probably about 10 times harder than being a cop, mentally, physically, like you said you have to have more guts, and also dont forget the fact that the guys hes coming after have a mini uzi at most, the guys the marines are going against have RPG's for crying out loud,  

  4. Duh being in the marines is more intense and hard than a normal law enforcement officer(unless they were in the military themselves) but yeah..def. ten times more hard to be in the marines and doing what hes doing than just a normal police officer...atleast thats what i think.

    semper fi!

  5. My father was both a Marine and a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff.  And honestly, I don't think he would choose one in favor of the other--as both are demanding in their own right...  I will say that even after 30 years of being a cop, my dad has a fierce loyalty to the Corps. today--so much to the point that he gets choked up at the motivational commercials that run on tv (so adorable).  It just goes to show... Semper Fi never dies.

    What's astonishing to me is that your dad would insult your fiance'--who (like your dad) is in the profession of serving others.  And if your dad's never been in the service, I have to say "Don't knock it till you try it."  

  6. Haha, your dad is just proud of what he does.

    Props for him being a cop and all, but your devildog doesn't get to come home to you every night or have to deal with the stress of being a React  Team, Grunts go through h**l.. and i mean h**l..

  7. Your...father, .....Your father....Why you worry what your father says about your matter what your husband is and what will be...your father always will find something wrong to say about your husband. That  is the nature of the beast...and do n't worry :soon or later your husband will come back...and do n't worry on his own he will put your father in his place. Usually paying back is a b,,,tch. You in meam time do your best to take care your own familly cover your obligations towards your children an about your father his own hate will destroy him- mentally and phisically and that is a fact.

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