
Anybody catch Palin mention her handicapped child tonight?

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Palin talked about her newborn with Down Syndrome during her speech tonight at the RNC. I was happy to hear she would support families with special needs kids and everything, but at the same time I was also offended. I feel like she is using her child to win the hearts of people, because if she didn't have that child, she probably wouldn't even think twice about the issue. It felt very much like she used her child, rather than promoting an issue that needs to be helped. Am I right in thinking this? Any other opinions on the matter?




  1. I will NOT be voting for Obama and Biden for various reasons.

    I WILL be voting for McCain and Palin for various reasons.

    I did not know that Palin had a child with Disabilities. If she mentioned her child with Down Syndrome during her speech, then I am glad that she did. It shows that she is not ashamed of her child.

  2. i agree that she used the opportunity as a political move, but if she didn't it could have been looked at the same way.. ya know if she didn't address the matter...  it's all a game, politics...

  3. I saw another speech where she only introduced the childrens names and didn't mention his down syndrome at all. I wondered why she hadn't.

    catch 20/20  

  4. A woman who goes back to work when her child with Down syndrome is 3 days old can be no friend to me in the White House. 3 days is too little time to have any idea what kind of complexity her child's needs might be. There are far too many things about Sarah Palin that simply reek of a lack of commitment to family values she supposedly represents.

  5. While I'm glad that she's going to promote awareness of the issue, I have to say that I agree with you: chances are she might not even have thought of it if it wasn't personally relevant.

    Then again, I'm quite the little cynic.  

  6. no

  7. Its almost on a par with Munchhausen's syndrome by proxy,lol,the woman would have the poor kid managed by an army of doctors and nurses in house. What a Witch!

  8. I didn't see it that way.  The media has been talking about her child's disability since she was nominated.  I felt she was just addressing the issue and also letting people know she's a proponent of special needs children.  Apparently her sister also has a mentally handicapped child so it seems she's may  have been involved in such programs for years as she has claimed.  But that's all speculation until I see facts.

    By the way, I'm have no intentions of voting for her or McCain.

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