
Anybody else as pleased as me about Wales' Grand Slam??!!?

by  |  earlier

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We did it - Da iawn bechgyn - ti wedi gwneud pob person yng Nghymru yn falch heddi!

Even got my 2 yr old into the swing of things - she learnt the words to Bread of Heaven today and was so cut copying me shouting 'Come on Shane' 'Come on Martin' 'Wales! Wales!'

At the end when I said Wales won - she said ' Yeahhh!!!! Mammy cwtches now!!'

So sweet!

Aaahhhh GLORY DAY! THERE IS A GOD AND HE IS WELSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. happy happy happy enough said :)

  2. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah!!

    Even tho I'm not usually a rugby fan I'm proud to see them win!!!  Wi'n falch iawn heno!

  3. YYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!! We are ecstatic. Well done boys - Da Iawn Bechgyn! There will be some celebrating tonight in true Welsh Fashion - down the pub!! Mae y cwrw ar fi !!

    All together now:

    "Every day, when I wake up I thank the Lord I'm Welsh"

  4. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrilliant  


    well played Ireland Scotland and France even though you didn't win the championship

    England who were so sure they would win and to those on Yahoo who made nasty remarks about Wales he who laughs last laughs loudest and longest LOL

  5. cymru am byth

  6. ¡Felicidades de España!

    Enhorabuena - llongyfyrchiadau!

  7. Well If god is welsh or if god was with wales who cares. congats to our boys,well done.

  8. Abergevenney y Fenny!!

  9. I'm a die hard welsh rugby fan and I'm not ashamed to say that I cried when the whistle blew. Proud to be Welsh is what I am today! And what a tribute to have Ray Gravell's 2 little girls lead the team on today, he'd be so proud of them.

  10. wales wales wales wales wales wales wales wales wales wales

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