
Anybody else eager to see new Ghost Hunter shows on SciFi?

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Do you have a favorite character?

Does Brian drive you crazy?

Wouldn't you LOVE to know about the RotoRooter Plumbers personal stories that got them involved with the paranormal?

AND... IF they found something other than a chair scooting by itself across a lighthouse floor, other than a reflected figure on a non-reflective surface... I don't know, maybe had a ghost give an interview or something... do you think they would make national news? Instantly? Or would the SciFi Network hold out for ratings?




  1. I don't watch the show, but if they got an interview with a ghost, I would be thrilled (something to rub in the face of skeptics everywhere! Muahahahahahahahaha!) but there would be a lot of people who wouldn't believe it.

    I believe in ghosts, I talked to some once. They were pretty friendly, and very polite. And they did not move objects around.

  2. It will be back on June 6th I believe.  Also they just signed on for a 4th season.  Brian will not be on the show season 4 and I believe Donna left as well. They both left on good terms, just to pursue other avenues of the paranormal.  Jason, Grant and Steve are really great guys. I had the privelege of ghost hunting with them last month. What you see on this show is the real deal.

    - a ghost hunter from NY

  3. I don't usually watch the show, I think it would freak me out.

  4. As you I have been waiting for months too! I'm not really sure why they dint have a special on the events in their lives that started all of this...but I also think its important.The new season is supposed to start in June 2007.Brian  drives me crazy (not to judge) due to the fact that he cant be still long enough to hear whats going on. It seems like someone is always talking during the parts were waiting for.People are always apprehensive about anything that makes or proves there might be the chance that we are all waiting on different plain or time lines, or just the fact that there are things out there they don't want explained.....I also believe that they could find a little more eerier or places of stronger activity to investigate.An ratings and how well there show does is up to the veiwers....With all the other c**p and violence on the t.v. the ghost hunters are much least they don't have "Evett on most haunted"screaming all the time!!!!!!!! its so annoying.and I really like the show,if she'd just shut up too, during the investigation. And out of the two of them,I like the one who got his feet shown by having the covers pulled off while sleeping?

  5. This show is sometimes good for a laugh.

    And if they ever showed a "chair scooting by itself", keep in mind that it is a TV show which survives by creating ratings for itself. It's not hard to attach a piece of fishing line to a chair or fake a ghostly voice recording. Remember folks, this show is aired on the SciFi (Science FICTION) channel.

    Perhaps the best Ghost Hunter episode wasn't an episode at all but a Saturday Night Live spoof featuring actor Hugh Laurie of "House". Check it out, it's hilarious and it delivers a real message about the gullibility of these ghost hunters.

  6. Yes, I can't wait to see it.  I think they will air again in June, however, I still check the channel line up just in case they change the date on me.

  7. I love that show!!  I can't wait for the nex season- Brian is getting a bit better- but Steve is my favorite.

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