
Anybody else ever experience anything this stupid?

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We went to the local pool today. My kids are 6, 9 and 11 and all can swim. But my youngest is only 33" and the pool depth starts at 36" so we make her wear a life preserver. When we arrived at the pool we were informed that management there prohibits any children who need life preservers from being in the pool. They are only allowed in the water with a parent holding them at all times and no life preserver on. Now I can understand the parent being required in the water but why would you prohibit life preservers which are intended to keep children safe? And btw there are 3 life guards on duty and this pool is only about 20x40 feet. To be able to go past the 4 foot depth you must prove you can swim an entire length of the pool. Is this ridiculous are am I just being anal? We immediately left after hearing life preservers are not allowed.




  1. Yeah, massively ridiculous.

  2. It is very ridiculous.  You should write a letter to the manager of the pool, or the head person or something.  Tell him everything you said above, and a few other things, including why you're angry.  Or, get a petition and have other local mothers who feel the same way sign it.  We have dumb rules at our local pool, too, but it's not that strict.  You can go in whether you can swim or not, since there's lifeguards there. :]

  3. I can understand if they don't want to allow the big inflatible ones because someone can get stuck under them, but one of those life vest type ones that straps tightly around the body should be just fine to use.  I  would have left the pool, too, if I were in your place.

  4. that is ridiculas. you could go to the town hall with that and get somewhere.

  5. In public pools, I actually think no flotation devices of any kind is a common rule.  While life jackets are designed to aid in preventing drownings, they are not able to prevent all accidents.  I am sure you are very responsible and wouldn't leave your youngest alone, but unfortunately, some parents will overly trust the life jacket and not pay as close attention as they should to a child in one.  Sometimes other young swimmers or inexperienced swimmers will struggle a bit and inadvertently grab onto another person's life jacket thus pulling the life jacket wearer under without meaning to.  Again, if you are with your child you can off set this, but if a parent has left a child unattended, for even a few seconds, thinking he/she is safe in a life jacket, tragedy can strike before you know it.  Even with 3 lifeguards on duty, parents still need to keep an eye on their children and not all do so.  I think it is a liability issue for pools and not stupidity.  If you are talking about a swim ring or something your daughter wears around her waist when you say "life preserver" those are not designed for protection at all.  I am assuming you mean a personal flotation device which is often also called a life jacket.

  6. You're not being anal at all. The child can swim and you're protecting the kid with a flotation device, tell me when something's going to go wrong? I hope you can find another pool in your area! Good luck.

  7. That has got to be the most ridiculous rule I have ever heard! A public pool prohibiting a safety measure???? Makes no sense to me at all! Even after our daughter could swim she still used her armies.

    Now would be a good time for you to put your amazing writing skills to work to protest and see if you can make some changes to this rule. I would be really curious about the reasoning behind this.

    ............thanks for the nice compliment yesterday! You made me smile!

  8. some childrens life preservers are not safe. If a child tips over many cannot get upright and drown and as they are wearing them parents are more lax about watching. Kids drown very quickly. It is not being ridiculous, it is about making it a safe experience for all. In this world of suing pools need to cover themselves for all situations. If your kids can swim then it won't matter what the depth is they can go to the side to rest. But what is wrong with getting in with your kids, it is fun.

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