
Anybody else fed up reading propaganda against Chinese gymnasts? ?

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I can't help wondering if it's racism that USA people keep spreading propaganda about the Chinese gymnasts being under 16. Just because they're not as fat as Americans and not as tall as Europeans so they look young, doesn't mean they are. Even if they are under 16, doesn't it look bad for the USA that children with less training could win?




  1. I agree!

    Many people need to get over the fact that China deserved to win in gymnastics, and that they are also doing much better in most of the other events..

    Just look at the gold medal tally!

    Throwing out false accusations with no convincing evidence just comes across as being extremely pathetic and childish.

  2. No, it's not racism when one of the Chinese girls was 13 years old a few months ago and magically turned 16 before the Olympics.

  3. I'm from the east and i know a young kid when i see one. A few in the Chinese team are definitely under 16. everyone has got to stop stereotyping Americans as being ignorant, not everyone of them are. people have eyes to see!!! it's true that asians generally age slower therefore they look younger. but no way are those gymnasts over 16!!! and your question is racist. Fat?? are gymnasts fat?? can they afford to compete if their fat?? oh, i'm not sure if it looks bad for USA if they win even with less years of training. because given enough money on to sports and 1.3 billion people to choose from, any country can do that too.  

  4. Yes!  Thank you!  I am SO fed up reading propaganda against Chinese gymnasts!  I can't believe China keeps expecting us to believe these kids are 16.  The Chinese propaganda is unbelievable.  These kids are clearly underage.  Thanks for posting!

    Hope this helps!

  5. Yesterday when alecia sacramone was compeating, it was so unfair, the judges swung the vote so that the chinease girl would win, even though Alecia was almost perfect, and the chinease girl fell out of bounds. No, im not fed up. if there is an issue, it needs to be adressed.

  6. Well maybe if the Chinese was more honest, there wouldn't be a problem.  Lying just so you country can win a medal is stupid.

  7. Oh, most definitely.

    Those Chinese athletes are doing very well and they deserve whatever medals they get.

    Some people cannot stand seeing their favorites lose or taking second (or third) place.

  8. Warning: All Americans should stop whining. Or people from other cultures might think our national past time is whine.

    They are just better than the stiff white chicks. That's all. Jealous people need to be exiled to planet mars. Chinese and Japanese look younger and age better than Cacuasians in general. It's not their fault.

  9. Yes a very good point.

  10. Yeah your totally right.

    Because the chinese gymnasts don't eat hamburgers.  

  11. No i'm actually not.

  12. It's not their hight or eight that puts them under suspicion; after all, Shawn Johnson is only 4'9. Its that their proportions are that of younger children, with large heads and eyes, and shorter limbs.

  13. No!  This issue should be fully investigated.  Should they be allow to cheat if the girls are under 16?  If it is true that a Chinese newspaper reported the girl is 13 & now it's been removed that does raise some suspicion...

    No one expects them to be as big (although our girls are pretty small) as american girls but if they are not of age then they should not be competing & stripped of any metals they earned.

  14. Yup, I'm fed up about reading propaganda against Chinese gymnasts!

    It's all they can talk about. Just because China is kicking USA 's butt by having so many gold medals the US wants to prove itself by posting negative comments about the Chinese. Can't the US just accept that China has better gymnasts?

  15. no it looks bad for China that they cheated. it's not less training. they get drilled every day since like, birth. whereas the white girls get serious at age 7 or something. ever notice that all gymnasts are really short? it's an advantage. under age girls means shorter gymnasts, thus China cheated.

    u don't know what you're talking about. the commentators and spectators do. they've seen gymnasts of all ages and they know they are not 16 years old. stop being a contrarian, it's obvious they are under age.

    maybe expose yourself to more Chinese people?

    no one looks like that at age 16 dipshit. also they show no signs of puberty. no b***s, no hips, etc. not "propaganda", not bad sportsmanship - they noticed they were underage before the games even began.

  16. They are taller than Shawn Johnson.

    They don't eat junk food.

  17. nastias not fat.

    shawns not tall. theres just no way the chinese girls could be 16.

  18. Its racism all right sometimes but most of the time its jealousy. The USA cannot stand other people win events they excel at.

    USA wasnt particulary happy when Jamiaca (Usain Bolt) won the 100m.

    People in the USA are fed with stereotypes of the east that:

    All asians are nerds

    All muslims are terrorists

    All chinese are short and weak


    Sadly most americans cast a blind eye to the real hard work and talent of these chinese gymnasts.

  19. I agree.

    They were saying some of the events were fixed so the Chinese could win.

    They were behind for a while anyway.

    Stupid Americans.

  20. Nope. You're all alone in your ignorance.

  21. In this case I think bigots plays a heavier role than racism. Oh, my, the puny Chinese beat the mighty American, how could that happen? It must be cheating. Have you noticed the sour faces among US girls before the team event, except Shawn.

  22. I AM FED UP WITH THIER BULL****. I'm sorry, but ALOT of people got over with Barry Bonds steroid allegations.

    True. The Chinese are smaller and skinnier than Shawn Johnson, It's that simple, they need to lay off the Hot Cheetos.  

  23. No. They are clearly under-aged. Just because they are the hosts, doesn't mean they should be allowed to cheat.  

  24. China is still a communist country there able to change their citizens papers well it might be technicaly not true but the governments power allows them to be true not technical.

  25. actually, american gymnasts aren't fat, and all gymnasts aren't that tall. their faces just look under 16. and it makes sense that younger gymnasts would win because they are more flexible.

  26. Oh you played the race card.  Stooping pretty low. No we are fed up with cheating and the Chinese are horrible about it.  And no look its an advantage if you lift age restrictions.  If we lifted age restrictions we could have considered a wider talent pool and we might have had a slightly better team.

    And actually there are 3 gils on that team who 'magically' aged a couple of years all of a sudden, based on the ages they reported in gymnastics competitions a year or so ago.


  27. ANYBODY WITH EYES can see that their obviously underaged. Not only Americans!

  28. Actually they all do look about 12 years old. And I'm pretty sure one of them was in a different competition less than a year ago and they said she was quite a few years younger than 16, but when she got to the olympics she magically turned 16...

  29. actually i am incensed that our British girl Beth Tweddle didn't get in amongst the medals on the high bar. I wondered whether its because she is not Chinese or American. I feel cheated for her, because i honestly felt her performance top notch.  And wondered that little children are now competing in the gymnastics, look at the Chinese and some of the Americans they don't look 16, that's for sure.

  30. I'm sorry to say this but I'm not. I know I should be lol but I'm glad that people are questioning the competition, because it makes me feel like we might have more of a chance in the olympics if something has to be done about the gymnasts (even though I know nothing will happen). I'm fed up with the chinese getting all the medals and us (england) only getting them in rowing, sailing and cycling. Also, do you find that any event with judging, chinese happen to win? Do you think the judges are biased? I think so, as shawn johnson did so well in one of the gymnastic events, better than her chinese competitor, but they drew. However, overall, even though they drew, the chinese girl ended up being first even though shawn johnson was clearly better!

  31. It's not only Americans. Stop being racist you douche.

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