
Anybody else fed up with this?

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Anybody else getting annoyed with the whole 'Tell me everything about Ireland' questions?

I mean it would be hard to sum Ireland and our culture/laws/traditions etc. up in a book never mind an answer on Y/A!

Or is it just me?!!




  1. I totally agree.

    People always ask this, I always say Be More specific and I usually give them a link to a website on Ireland Tourism.

    = )

  2. ye i am

    and i hate when people say "st pattie's day",last time i checked,pattie,was a woman's name

  3. What annoys me is when people ask stupid questions on these sites when they can look up the question on google. I do think these sites are brilliant if you want someones opinion on hotel, restaurant etc that you are thinking of going to. But to come on and ask a question like 'is ireland in europe'. C'mon have they no shame and I still cannot understand why they don't google the questions.

  4. I'm fed up with the image of St. Paddy's day being about green beer and drunk frat boys.


  5. Hey, I'm not Irish and those questions annoy even me! What are you supposed to say? They need to break it down a bit.

    And sorry about the Patty's day; it's just a cultural thing. Most Americans without some Irish family background use Patty instead of Paddy as Padraig is not a familiar name/not known in the US. Pat is an acceptable shortened version of Patrick here no offense is meant.  Paddy was used as a slur against Irish Americans, so I am sure that plays into it as well. To be fair, American culture is frequently misinterpreted in Ireland and Europe and we don't get too upset about it. People know what they see on TV, Disneyland and New York and that's about it. Some of the assumptions etc...are really funny.

    No idea what level I am - don't really care...just killin time after all.

  6. With you on that, am also getting p'd off with St Patties day instead of St Paddy's!

  7. i am not irish but i am romany gypsy and i kinda get the same questions from american's want to know so many questions about me and about how i live i am very annoyed where it heppends your right people who are not american live like everyone else but we just beileave in diffrenet things thats the way we was growing up knowing the things we know

  8. take a chill pill and get it alll out of your system, although you ar right about most of it

  9. Haha, I've got over 17,000 points, I don't know what level I'm at and I don't care either.

    I don't bother with the 'tell me everything about Ireland', I just do the 'I'll put you right about Ireland' thing. Too many Yanks seem to think it's a cross between Disneyland and The Quiet Man - so far from the truth!

    Tell me everything ..... hah. That's kind of funny. It's more telling about people asking the question, to be honest, because it makes them seem like they think so little of a place that an answer can be summed up in 2 or three sentences.

  10. mmmmmmmmm... not really. That's why there's a section in here about Ireland. Where people get to find out about our country. It doesn't bother me, if it did i would just go into another category.  But it  was annoying when some people were saying "Happy Patty's Day!" I mean what is that?!!!

    Thanks for posting though - interesting question. :)

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