
Anybody else feel like both parties/candidates are just full of it?

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Personally, I don't like either candidate. Everyday, Obama is coming off more and more like a slick used car salesman and John McCain just seems bland, dull, and uninteresting. Both parties suck at government and one gets the distinct impression that the only thing the two parties truly care about is staying in power. So I don't know what to do with myself this November. It seems like no matter who we pick, they will end up being mediocre at best and it will be the same old scandals and mini-drama that has always been. Anybody else feel that way?




  1. Lots of Americans are beginning to get it and feel the same way you do.  But if we don't vote, they won't even have to pretend that they have the interests of the American people at heart.  

    Look at d**k Cheney.  When he was told that most Americans are against the war, he didn't even pretend to care.  He just said "So?"  That was an insult, a real slap in the face of Americans.  Let politicians at least pay lip service to us.  

    I know my vote won't count, but I will continue to go through the motions.  Otherwise people in other countries will say, "Americans don't deserve democracy.  They don't even bother to vote."  

  2. You make it sound like there are good politicians out there. They are all crooked and full of p**p. The higher the office, the higher the pile of p**p. The Presidential race must be surrounded by mountains of it.

  3. Yes.  I feel the same way every election.  Write in Dave Barry with me and we might actually get him elected.  He's not even a politician, so he'll be great! :)

  4. I think our two-party system is broken, definitely. I like Obama although, but I am a big supporter of third and even fourth parties. We need more diversity on our ballots, not just the "big two".

  5. Vote Bob Barr...Libertarian Party

  6. either going to vote green or write in nobody for every race as a protest against the rotten system.  

  7. Absolutely, the difference in the candidates; Obama will have some new and fresh scandals and mini-drama where McCain will have the same old ones.  

    BTW I take offense at the used car salesman line.  I am a professional used car salesman.

  8. Yup... I totally agree...  

  9. I think both parties are corrupt.  I used to believe strongly in the Democratic Party's platform until they went and nominated someone completely unqualified for POTUS.  I have no faith in them, period.  I will end up voting for McCain because I think he is the most qualified out of all the candidates.  I really don't agree with any of them 100%--or even 50%.  However, I don't think Obama has the best interests of the country in mind.

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