
Anybody else feel the same way about Sarah Palin?

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My family are Democrats. Always have been, always will be. We are also from Alaska, which as a whole always goes Republican. We absolutely LOVE Sarah Palin. She is very smart, very likeable, and very hard working. And as Dems, that is hard to admitt. But, she is honestly, the best Gov. this state has ever seen. Our economy is GREAT, we unlike country as a whole, have a surplus!

Now, with that said, you might expect my family members to be voting Republican this time around, and actually, they won't be. They will be voting Obama. For one reason only: the person that would be taking Palin's place as Governor is a big "nothing". And we do NOT want to lose Palin as our Gov.

Anybody else in Alaska have the same feeling....thoughts from anyone please!




  1.   I thought you were voting Ron Paul.  Changed your mind in 3 days.  What will it be tomorrow.

  2. The only ones in Alaska that don't like Sarah Palin are the moose and the salmon.  

  3. Yes I grew up in Washington (state) and my family always voted democratic.  Now, look at the sales tax in Washington, and especially seattle.  Look how the democrats have let property values skyrocket so high that we cannot even afford to live in Seattle anymore.  Is a 1 bedroom house on 45th street really worth 450,000 dollars?  No of course not.  But they have been in control and they have let it happen.  So this time we are going to vote for the person who knows what its like to be a regular folk.  The Obamas live in a suburb of chicago in a million dollar plus house.  So this time we will be voting for the person who knows business.  Palin (and McCain too).

  4. You say you're a Democrat but Sarah Palin didn't get the majority of the vote in Alaska, yet you also said that you voted for her.  You come off as a liar, my thought.

  5. How do you know who would take her place already.    Just have Palin find a good replacement with her 86% approval rating we need her for our ENTIRE COUNTRY!    She has shaped up the Alaskan gov't, you will do fine!  Im sure she would still be involved to keep Alaska great!     Don't vote Obama just cause of that!  He would DESTROY the economy EVERYWHERE!

  6. OMG.. Alaska has huge oil revenues so of course you have a surplus!! Hey and with all that earmark money you guys keep getting life must be great up there.

    Yes, Please keep Sarah Palin.. we don't need more hypocrites down here.  

  7. No, I could never respect an anti-choice homophobic creationist.

  8. You are selfish.

    You should want the rest of the country to do as well as your state.

    Selfish selfish selfish.

    No offense... but you should want to share her.

  9. that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my life...your state does not matter if your country does not exist anymore....

  10. I'm not from Alaska, but my hubby knows a guy from her hometown and he confirmed that what you see is what you get. He pretty much bragged her up too. I plan to vote McCain and Palin and since you like her so much, I don't see why you won't vote for her. Saying that you want to keep her to yourself IS completely selfish. We need strong leaders for the country, not just individual states. If the governor of my state (which is also in great shape with a surplus) was nominated for VP, I'd support him all the way. I can't imagine voting for someone I didn't believe in, just so I could keep my part of the country the way it was at the moment.

  11. I don't buy anything you've said, sounds like another Repub trick...

  12. I think Sarah Palin seems like a decent enough person. However, her speech last night was full of lies and did not make a favorable impression on me. Sorry, but that's how I feel.

  13. well i still consider my home to be alaska, and that is where my family is, but i dont still live there. buttttt

    please atleast loan her to america.  we need someone like palin.  she can go back to being governor after her election to presidency.

  14. I love your question but I have bad news for you.  Alaska will go republican in 2008.  We wish you good luck with your state government and hope there is another Sarah Palin that can be found to lead your state sometime in the future.


  15. Thank the dear Lord for choice. Thank God [or the blasted pollutants] for global warming. Alaskan ice is melting to reveal it's frozen 'Gems'.


    There will come better governors as they should. That will only be relative.

    Unless you give up what you love today you will never know where your love can take you.

  16. I am not from Alaska but from the South but I have thought of this...y'all would be losing a great I am not surprised...

  17. That is so selfish; you the voters can get someone else in there.  

    Come on if you really love her for what she has done for the state; what more could she do as the VP of our nation?  She needs her supporters from home as well across the rest of this nation.

  18. correct, not only that but this:

    even senator Biden, Obama running mate said Obama, is NOT qualified…and that McCain is better!…case closed!

  19. You have to live and let go.  Mrs. Palin is off to a new journey.

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