
Anybody else get violation notices unfairly?

by  |  earlier

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I keep getting reported for ridiculous reasons. This latest one was over a remark about s**king the Q off a cucumber. What's offensive about that?

Does this happen to anyone else often or at all?




  1. Yeah,I got one today for pointing out that someone was a troll who was pretending to be several different people in different categories.

  2. No...but that sucks :(

    more hugs for you, lol :)

  3. My last account was at level five, 30% best answers, and it suddenly got suspended and I have no idea why.  I found this incredibly frustrating, because I work hard at my answers.

  4. Yes, it is part of the experience.

  5. I used to get it a lot of my other account, but I think it was because of the P&S section, but I haven't gotten any on this account for a while.

  6. It happens for a LOT less reason than that.  The usual reason I have gotten violated (in a total of 4 accounts - including this one) is that I argue theology well, and am not shy about responding to someone whose post I disagree with (say an attack on g**s in the glbt section - based on a scriptural interpretation, for example).  My responses are direct, and exhaustive.   So, in frustration some people report my answers to get them removed and to get me violated.


  7. Yep loads of the time

    it's horrible


  8. I used to get cited for "chatting" but that's about it.  I've been pretty lucky.

    P.S.  You must have some suction to be sucking the Q off of a cucumber.  Be careful!

  9. all



    hey!  you might have your own personal troll!

    you lucky duck...


    see?  a downie for me...  just goes to prove my point:  report trolls are kinda like the negative of guardian angels.

    best of luck, huh?

  10. One question was "What do you think..."  The person was asking for OPINIONS.  I gave my opinion and got a VN for 'INSULTING OTHER MEMBERS'.  Someone had a question about the Westboro Baptist Church folks (demonstrate at military funerals a search on them), and I gave a site to the folks that stand between the WBC folks and the folks at the funeral.  I got a VN for "SOLICITING."

    One does not have to be  biker or a vet, there is no membership fee, no dues and no meetings.  I thought soliciting had to do with money.

    The VN's included how many points I lost.  Well, all the points here on Y/A and 49¢ will get me a cup of senior coffee at Hardees.  I'm not here for the points.  I wonder if those anal retentive yahoos on the Y/A staff are as perfect as they expect US to be.

  11. I asked a question about g**s being bi-polor and my self am g*y and I got a violation notice. and a question about Dr Doris making me sick cuz she asked a question asking if it was true that g*y ppl rape lil kids and I said it makes me sick I got a violation notice. My lat question I asked was about this guy who asked about his son being g*y and if he was a bad father he chose someone else as a best anser I didn't care but this person said he was a bad fathr ect..he commented that he was going to leave his son so I emailed him saying that. He shouldn't do that since he's only 14 yrs old he needs a father and he said he killed his son and called me a s**t. I asked what I should do about this and i got a violation notice. I was top contributor as well and that got taken from me.

    Edit:I have apealed one of my questions and I lost so I won't apeal anymore. The one I apealed was about g**s being bipolar didn't undertand how it was affensive since I'm g*y and I have bipolar. so I won't apeal anymore

  12. yeahhhh!! it errks me because i didnt do anything wrong. (frekin trolls)

  13. yes i do for no reasons i was in the same problem i got 2 thumbs down for saying ^^ thanks to a question bout likign g*y people and then i  edited with a thing saying dam why all the thumbs down and then next thing i know im reported i try to win the appeal but wonderful yahoo overturns it and i lose 20 points

  14. Only all the freaking time! The last time I got one, they didn't even give me a reason!!

  15. no never it happens to alot of people but both times i got reported i was like yeah i was in a bitchy mood that day. sorry you may have a Y/A stalker!

  16. It happened on my other account and then it got banned. And now I can't use it and I was like on level 5. It hasn't happened yet on this account but it probably will soon.

  17. really i thought that wuz funny i hate yahoo sometimes

    please answer

  18. Dude, I appealed mine.

    This guy asked a race question and I replied very politically correct, then in my salutation I said something like, "Peace my Brotha", and I was reported.

    I won the appeal and my comment was placed back on the message board.

    It amazes me how folks get on open forums like this and insist on being uber-sensative. I say if you don't want to hear the answer of someone else's opinions then DON"T ASK.

  19. The only ones Ive had are for "chatting".  The last being when I asked a question about the worst chat up lines ever.  

    You have to question the mentality and ability of the moderators

  20. Yes! It's really annoying

  21. I've had far too many chatting violations for my questions, so I don't ask any more.  I wouldn't care if other similar questions were removed too, but because they aren't it makes me wonder if I have my own report troll.  I get answer violations once in a while, but usually I accidentally delete my own when I go back to edit them.  

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