
Anybody else here getting at least a little bit sick of hearing about Phelps on TV, radio and on the internet?

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Don't get me wrong, I admire him for everything he has accomplished and I am looking forward to seeing the amazing things he'll do in the future. He is indeed the greatest of olympians and yes, he's gonna have his biggest payday when he gets back to the states. He loves his mom, he listens to eminem, enjoys junk food and bla, bla, bla, Phelps, Phelps, Phelps...

I mean I know the Olympics are still on, but do we really need to see Phelps on CNN every d**n time world sports is on? Do we really need to see trivia about him on every time we go to the start page?

It's too much exposure and it's starting to get annoying.

Hey, I love pepperoni pizza with lots of mushrooms and jalapenos... but serve me that everyday 6 days (every meal) then I'll start to vomit everytime.




  1. This is HERMAN, Michael's bulldog.....

    Lighten up, folks, Michael trained so hard to earn his medals.  8 golden ones!  What's 8 hours of TV for 8 consecutive days for the next 8 months!?!?   I know...enough already!!!   Do what I do, turn off that big TV screen!!!

  2. yes it is driving me CRAZY!  

  3. He'll be replaced with Usain Bolt anyway. After winning 200m dash...Michael Phelps is like yesterday's news.  

  4. for what he did a few more moments in the spotlight should be okay.

  5. Good thing I don't watch the Olympics, listen to and read Olympics stories.  I have better things to do.

  6. i know too much of something can get sickening, but why do you choose to eat pepperoni pizza everyday when you can have something else? have fried chicken instead.  if you're getting annoyed, then don't read the articles on him, or switch the channel if they're doing a segment. he deserves the media attention, he's done a great thing.

    he's won 8 gold medals. that is way more than what our country has. what other countries have.

    and people WANT to know what he listens to. i've read comments from people wanting to know what he listens to on his ipod. that's probably why they featured his music preferences. and of course people want to know what he eats, or the structure of his body, they want to try to achieve what he has, thats why people want to know.

    just today on the news, there's been a report on our town showing how gym membership has gone up and more specifically, swimming lessons because of the inspiration michael phelps has given to the people.

    oh, and even kobe bryant is inspired by him! :)

    i do hope though that they feature the other swimmers more. i love lochte too!

  7. I have grown a little tired of him as well. However, I really do admire what he has accomplished. I sure hope it doesn't go to his head though. But just hang in there a little longer he'll be a "come and go". The Olympics is not that popular of a sport only during it's time and especially since football season is just right around the corner. So no worries. But like one of the other answers wrote the Jonas Brothers are the most annoying! They cannot even sing and the only fans they have are kids that ask mommy and daddy for their merchandise. They'll be gone soon, I don't know if you remember the Hanson Brothers but it should be similar to that phase.

  8. i'm not.

    he worked hard for the title..

    so i guess he deserves to be popular.

  9. Yeah, I hear something about him at least 3 times a day. Kind of annoying. Not everyone was born a great swimmer but does that mean that when someone is we need to hear about his teeth, his new house, his dog, his choice in toilet paper, etc.

    The news media is really a w***e for hire. They don't report what we NEED to hear. They just report what is hot topic so they get better ratings.

  10. yeah, I mean, how about the other great players? They should get much attention too, not only Phelps? I know, he's a great swimmer and stuffs, but, we should not forget our other athletes, too...

  11. I have no idea who he is.  I've been super busy watching the Olympics on TV every night (the swimming events are my favorite).

  12. Nope. I know what he's done, but I don't give a d*mn. The only things Olympic-related I watch are the basketball games and the events where my country participates.

  13. i'd do him in the water for P100.

    i'd do you for P100 on dry land.

  14. NBC just overdo everything. We know he's great and best and we get the point. No need to know what is he eating, listening to, who his father is, what underwear he wears, what shoe size he wears etc. Who cares? Hmm, maybe a stalker will. Aren't you tired also of US media whining all the time about gymnastics?

  15. Olympics is about to end anyway. You wouldn't be hearing that much of him after that.

  16. He's not the greatest olympian. I prefer Usain Bolt coz he's amazing but cool....and he is not that obsessed of being the One like that dork Phelps but still nails it.

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