
Anybody else out there pregnant, alone and suffering from...?

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24/7 morning sickness? You all have told me to try ginger or crystalized ginger so I bought some today and it is really gross. I like ginger but it is very hard to eat...can I swallow it whole...will that help or does it have to be chewed up? It is so very hard being alone with no moral support or my man beside me to say that everything is going to be alright and to help me get excited about this really sucks being by myself and so gosh darn sick. Why are men such heartless jerks? I know I have like 5 questions here...sorry...i think im just going bonkers.




  1. They make a ginger supplement that is in pill form, just take with water.  Don't know if it will work for pregnancy or not.  It helps with motion sickness though.

  2. your doctor should be able to prescribe meds to stop you from being so sick, it sucks! trust me I know, I was vomiting like 50 times a day the entire pregnancy! good luck

  3. i had REALLY bad morning sickness and i tried everything to make it go away. the only thing that worked was odorless garlic pills from a health food store. my dad is a naturalpathic doctor, and recommended it and... well it worked.

  4. I'm right there with you girl!! Here is my story...;...

    Your not alone!!!

    Thanks for answering my question. I'm sorry about your boyfriend being such a jerk!! When the baby is born make sure you get him to pay child support, it takes two to make a baby!! I really hope your sickness subsides soon, turn to your Mom or any female that you can for love and comfort. They understand better anyway! Good luck with everything, and even though you are suffering now, remember what is at the end of the road!

  5. Try a ginger tea.  I know Tetley makes a ginger mint herbal tea that is soothing to the tummy.

    From my experience with morning sickness... nothing worked.

    Guys are jerks because they're just big babies who aren't really or willing to grow up.

  6. You dont have a husband? you dont mention it.. Even though you would have a husband they can be real jerks.. when i was sick my husband would think i was exaggerating and i would just get so pissed at him.. i would totally lose control... i would tell him that next time he will get pregnant and that we are only having 1 kid if he's gonna be that way... i understand how hard it is... it totally sucks.. but it's worth it in the end..

  7. I had morning sickness with my last one 24/7 for six months!!! It totally sucked and even though I had my hubby by my side, seems like no one really understood.  You can buy ginger all ground up in a capsule at health food stores.  You can just swallow it that way.  But it didn't help me.  I had to go to the doctor for some anti-nausea medication.  I would go that route.  No need to suffer!!!

  8. I'm in the same boat. And I hate it, this will be my only baby because of it, pregnancy is not a fun time, I have been so sick. I have found NOTHING not even prescription meds that work, and everytime I go to the doctor (every two weeks, because I am losing weight) I have to get IV treatments. The only thing I can do is watch time pass by, and so far I am 12 weeks and 3 days.

  9. I have my husband here and he is wonderful and will get me anything I want anytime he is not at work. But he works a lot and I am new to the area and have no friends here. I too am experiencing horrible 24/7 morning sickness. Nothing has worked for me, hopefully you'll feel better soon. I get excited looking at baby toys online and baby websites. We want this baby and are excited, but I hate the way I feel.

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