
Anybody else see a conspiracy behind the high gas prices?

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I'm no conspiracy nut job nor do I have tin foil lining my hat, BUT does anybody see the sly hand of d**k Chenney, GWB, and the oil industry behind the high gas prices? Obviously with the possible removal of troops from Iraq on the horizen and the subsequent loss of oil revenue for the conspiritors, it seems to make sense they would push VERY hard for more domestic oil production. I think the 3 amigos have manipulated the market to convince the average American in his/her SUV that now we MUST drill in ANWR and off-shore.

I live in Alaska and I've always been for drilling in ANWR but this gas price thing is beginning to look, sound and smell like "WMDs in Iraq" all over again. Is our traitorous president out to make $$ off the backs of working Americans AGAIN?!?!?




  1. Congress is the culprit, for 35 years they have blocked drilling our own resources. For 30 years they have blocked building refineries.

    Congress is the cause of our housing finance problems. About 10-12 years ago they called the real estate people and the mortgage bankers into a hearing and insisted they lower their qualifications for loans. Create new and inventive ways to finance. They didn't want to, but they did to keep Congress off their backs.

    Congress panders to minorities, racial and environmentalists, for their votes and contributions.

    We have built about 150 Ethanol plants in the last 5 years. No refineries. Why? Ethanol was seen a  "green". Now we find that ethanol creates more enviromental damage than petroleum and raises food prices. Not to mention the burden it puts on water supplies.

    Congress voted TWICE to go into Iraqe.

    I know young people like to have a culprit to dislike, but put the blame where it belongs.

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  3. I do.

    I see another plan by the democrats to destroy America from within, and to make the American people embrace communism with the leftist democrats in charge. If the democrats can make things bad enough, or seem bad enough, the wimpy American people will agree to give up all their freedom and liberty and hand total control of their lives and pocketbooks to the government.

    Why do you suppose the democrats are so adamant about taking away our guns?

  4. Nope. It's not in the administration's best interests to have oil prices rise so quickly. They still have an election to win, as a party.

  5. I don't think its the conspiracy its just the demand has been increased

  6. Not per se.  What I believe is that we are close to an alternative solution and Bush told the Saudis we won't need them in a few years, so get what you can.

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