
Anybody else seriously considering emigrating from the UK?

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Anybody else seriously considering emigrating from the UK?




  1. I did it and returned ( not exactly by choice). Why are you thinking of leaving. Where wold you go? What would you hope to get from emigration? Escimooinc is spot on. Do you imagine life is cheaper/easier/more laid back/ friendlier elsewhere? There are pluses but you'll always find other things harder. Despite the criticism about the NHS it's still lots better than many other places. Food too, although foreign food beats British food hands down, could you live without your British staples? Do you speak another language? Could you get by? I hope to God you're not one of those dreamy, ignorant Brits who think they'll go to Spain and start a hair/beauty business. Maybe you're thinking of going to and English-speaking place, laws and administrative issues can be very different as can right and government. Do your research and don't expect paradise.

  2. please dont come to ireland our economy is f**ked also

  3. I get the impression you're looking to leave due to dissatisfaction with the UK? We left 15 years ago, as part of a company relocation rather than any particular dissatisfaction with the UK. We've been overseas ever since, in the Far East and the US, but we still get back a lot - for at least 4 weeks a year, and once for 6 months. I've loved living overseas, but a lot of the problems that people complain about in the UK are exactly the same in the other countries we've lived in. I think its getting kind of "hip" to slag off the UK, and there certainly seems to be a big exodus going on at the moment, but until you've tried living in another country/culture, it can be hard to tell whether the grass is really greener...I've seen a lot of people leave the UK for "looking for a better life" reasons, only to find their own patch in the UK was pretty green to start with. Try googling "returning to the UK" message boards and you may get a feel for it. On the other hand, if you're looking for something different, not necessarily better or worse, just different, or looking for a bit of adventure or to expand your experience, then go for it - I've had no regrets at all (apart from missing the family and friends)

  4. I am, i am considering going to australia when i become a qualified civil engineer.

  5. My ancestors did it a long time ago, but I love traveling back to the UK.  Come on over and visit, cousin.

  6. why?

  7. If I could afford to I would, but I'd have to come back regularly. I'd probably miss the place more than I think.

  8. i did

  9. my husband did it 8 years ago

    we live in Mexico

    we are not going back

    its too pretty in here

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