
Anybody else sick to death of seeing the royal family hanging out of bars in expensive clothes on my taxes?

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While I can hardly afford a night out because my taxes are so high?

Is it not time that we got rid of the monarchy and opened Buckingham palace to the public?




  1. WHAT get rid of the monarchy are you insane they are a British institution . long live the queen .

  2. A couple of points that need clarifying.

    The entire Royal Family costs you around 62p per year,  and most of the royals are not paid through the Civil List. The queen also has to pay staff with her allowance.

    Tourism directly associated with the Royals brings in many millions of pounds every year.

    The Duchy of Cornwall pays into the Government about four times the cost of the Civil list every year.

    Also, they're not 'your taxes'. Taxes are a contribution that has to be made, by law, from your income, therefore, in reality it's not your money and never was. Even the Queen pays taxes now.

    By the way, Buckingham Palace is open to the public.

  3. Well, it would be a waste of tax money if they hung around in bars in cheap clothes. If we pay taxes for them to live on, they should at least act royal and dress well!

    More importantly: if the royal family was abolished, it would make practically no difference to your taxes. The idea that we pay vast amounts to support them is a myth. Only the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are funded out of taxes (money paid to other members for official duties is repaid by the Queen from her private funds).  Moreover, revenue does not go in only one direction: the monarch surrenders to parliament a portion of revenue from crown lands. In 2003-4, this was £177 million – which is more than they received. In other words, the property owned by the Crown pays for the Royal Family. It's also worth noting that even the Queen herself now pays income tax (and has done for almost two decades).

    If we were to abolish them, Britain might well make more money out of Crown Lands, but in the long-term, there might also be a decline in tourist revenue overall, owing to the lack of a monarch. What's more, we'd have to spend money on a president, and on presidential elections.

    That's not to say we shouldn't abolish them, but I don't think the financial argument is the best one in favour.

  4. no. they didnt chose to be born into the family, like anyone. I bet you wouldnt mind if it were you. Yes they are a drain on our taxes but its not the younger ones fault.

  5. I can't personally think of a better way to spend your taxes.

    My taxes, on the other hand...

  6. Yes and have country that is in a worse state than it is in at the moment. No thank you. I think you will find that much of the money spent in these expensive bars does not come from the civil list but will be personal wealth.

    I know it wrangles but better the devil we know than the devil we don't.

  7. You need to actually study the finances of the Monarchy before you make statements that you don't know a great deal actually only pay around 60p a would be lucky to get a cup of coffee for that amount....

    And no it is not time we got rid of them...they do more for this country then you or I ever could.

  8. If your going against the Queen the you go against the country, we all know she rules supreme

  9. no. i'll happily give queenie 60p a year. we'd only end up paying a similar amount for upkeep of the royal 'national treasures'.

  10. Like stated before the Royal Family only gets 60p(per capita) in a year.You hardly buy anything with that.

    The British Monarchy produces millions in tourism,which go to the state.And it is also a part of Britain's culture and traditions.

    They shall not be abolished

    Vivat Regina!

  11. I agree. I want my 62p back now.

  12. off with their heads!

  13. me

    there is no need for royalty. all they do is sit around in their swanky home and get paid.

  14. It's not the Royal Family's fault that you can't afford a night out - it's yours and yours alone.

    If I saw the queen in a bar, I'd buy her a drink out of my own money. Does she drink pints ?

  15. "While I can hardly afford a night out because my taxes are so high?"

    I think you need to learn a little bit about the Royals before you spout off.

    If you're talking about William and Harry then they're supported by their dad who gets NOTHING from th Taxpayer he gets money from the Duchy of Cornwall (as in "Duchy originals) and pays tax on his income just like everyone else earning a wage in this country). Harry is a fully qualified soldier so also gets his army salary.

    On top of this the Queen only gets money for official events the rest of the time she has to support herself.

    Do you really think as many tourists would come here and look round Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle if they were not working homes?

  16. Looks like you have your answer.Whilst I am fiercely anti Charles and Ca(rthorse)milla,I really do think this country would be worse off with a president,especially one like the bumbling,inarticulate,lying buffoon George Dubbya Bush.

  17. An elected head of state, so I understand, would not be any cheaper.

  18. I have never seen a member of the Royal Family hanging out of a bar - nor anyone else for that matter.  Where can I see it?

  19. I disagree.  Whilst I'm not a great fan of our current monarchy, I'm aware they bring a great deal to the UK by way of tourism.  Without them we'd be a poorer nation.

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